inquiry | n 1. more commonly enquiry, question, pertanyaan: the information desk deals with hundreds of inquiries everyday, meja penerangan itu melayani beratus pertanyaan setiap hari; in answer to your ~..., utk menjawab pertanyaan tuan...; this was what I found out in my inquiries, inilah yg saya dapat semasa membuat pertanyaan; 2. (investigation) siasatan; (research) penyelidikan: there is to be an ~ into the matter, siasatan akan diadakan ttg perkara itu; the scientific method of ~ must be applied, kaedah penyelidikan yg saintifik mesti digunakan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
independent | adj 1. self-governing, merdeka: Malaya became ~ in 1957, Malaya merdeka pd tahun 1957; 2. not associated (with each other) berasingan: the two ~ studies came to almost the same conclusion, kedua-dua kajian yg berasingan itu mencapai kesimpulan yg hampir sama; ~ research projects, projek penyelidikan yg berasingan; 3. done, conducted or given fairly and without bias, bebas: an ~ investigation, siasatan bebas; to get an ~ opinion, mendapatkan buah fikiran yg bebas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contrivance | n 1. act, faculty of contriving, ikhtiar, usaha; 2. inventive ability, ingenuity, kebolehan (mencipta): such things are still beyond human ~, perkara spt itu adalah di luar kebolehan manusia; 3. device, alat: a ~ which mechanically polishes shoes, alat yg dapat menggilap kasut secara mekanik; 4. artful scheme, helah: a ~ to mislead the police in their investigations, suatu helah utk mengelirukan polis dlm siasatan mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
counsel | vt 1. give professional advice and support, memberikan kaunseling kpd: the ministry set up a small unit to ~ parents of physically abused children, kementerian itu menubuhkan sebuah unit kecil utk memberikan kaunseling kpd ibu bapa kanak-kanak yg didera; 2. (fml) recommend, mengesyorkan supaya: he ~led moderation and the avoidance of any form of violence, dia mengesyorkan supaya bersikap sederhana dan mengelakkan sebarang bentuk keganasan; 3. (fml) advise, menasihati: I would strongly ~ the administration to conduct public enquiry, saya benar-benar menasihati pihak pentadbiran supaya mengadakan siasatan awam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commission | n 1. special task, job, kerja; (for artist) tempahan: he was given the ~ to design the mosque, dia diberi kerja utk mereka bentuk masjid itu; not all artists accept ~s, bukan semua pelukis yg mahu menerima tempahan; 2. (mil) tauliah: he received his ~ as 2nd Lieutenant, dia menerima tauliah sbg Leftenan Muda; 3. group authorized to perform certain duties, suruhanjaya: a Royal C~, Suruhanjaya Diraja; the C~ of Inquiry, Suruhanjaya Siasatan; the Federal Trade C~, Suruhanjaya Perdagangan Persekutuan; 4. fee allotted to agent, komisen, dalal: he charges 5% ~, dia mengenakan komisen 5%; sell st on ~, menjual sst dgn mendapat komisen; 5. act of doing (st wrong, unlawful) perbuatan melakukan: the ~ of a crime, perbuatan melakukan jenayah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |