break | e. fail, gagal: organized resistance broke down as a result of the government’s firm action, tentangan secara terancang gagal akibat tindakan tegas kerajaan; the summit talks broke down, sidang kemuncak itu gagal; f. (suffer physical collapse) jatuh sakit; (suffer nervous illness) mengalami gangguan jiwa: after a few years working on the project, he broke down, setelah beberapa tahun mengusahakan projek itu, dia jatuh sakit; his health broke down under the strain, dia jatuh sakit akibat tekanan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gain | n 1. profit, laba, keuntungan: love of ~, suka mencari keuntungan; to invest a lot of money in property with the hope of ~, melaburkan wang yg banyak dgn membeli harta utk mendapatkan keuntungan; 2. advantage, improvement, [various translations]: his loss is our ~, kerugiannya ialah keuntungan kita; the compromises reached and the ~s achieved at the summit, tolak ansur dan kemajuan yg dicapai di sidang kemuncak itu; the Labour Party’s ~s in the election surprised many people, pertambahan kerusi bagi Parti Buruh dlm pilihan raya itu memeranjatkan ramai orang; a ~ in confidence, bertambah yakin; 3. act of gaining, acquisition, pemerolehan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |