comb | n 1. device for combing hair, sikat, sisir; 2. tool, machine, for separating, tidying wool, cotton, etc, sisir, sikat; 3. see CURRY-COMB; 4. see HONEYCOMB; 5. (of fowl, bird) balung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harrow | n sikat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disc | ~ harrow, sikat piring. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fine-tooth(ed) comb | n sikat bergigi rapat; go /over, through / st with a ~, memeriksa sst dgn teliti, meneliti sst. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bunch | n 1. cluster, mass, a. (of bananas) sikat, sisir: a ~ of bananas, sesikat pi_òsang; b. (of grapes, keys) gugus, jambak; c. (of flowers) jambak; d. (of hair, ribbons, grass) jambak; 2. (sl) group of people, kumpulan, kelompok: a ~ of boys, sekelompok budak lelaki; he is the best of the ~, dia yg terbaik dlm kumpulan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tooth | 2. st resembling a tooth, gigi: the teeth of a saw, gigi gergaji; the teeth of a comb, gigi sikat; 3. (colloq), (in pl) authority, effective force, kuasa: if the Board is to be effective it must be given more teeth, sekiranya hendak dijadikan lebih berkesan, Lembaga mesti diberi kuasa yg lebih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ornament | vt decorate, [sso] menghias, [sst] menghiasi: she ~ed the dress with pearls, dia menghias baju itu dgn mutiara; her hair was ~ed with jewelled combs, rambutnya dihias dgn sikat bertatahkan intan berlian; bronze statues ~ed the city square, patung-patung gangsa menghiasi medan bandar raya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expect | b. require (st) as a duty or responsibility, menghendaki: guests are ~ed to dress for dinner, para tamu dihendaki berpakaian formal utk makan malam; I ~ you all to be back at the camp by six o’clock, saya menghendaki kamu semua balik ke kem sebelum pukul enam; 6. plan or hope to do st, menjangka: I ~ to be home before dark, saya menjangka saya akan pulang sebelum hari gelap; we ~ to sell at least 200,000 copies, kami menjangka dapat menjual 200,000 naskah; 7. (esp UK), (colloq) suppose, rasa: “Who used my comb?” “Mary, I ~”, “Siapa menggunakan sikat saya?” “Mary, saya rasa”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hand | 6. handwriting, tulisan tangan: she has a neat, clear ~, tulisan tangannya kemas dan jelas; 7. signature, tandatangan: a document bearing the ~ and seal of the Governor, dokumen yg mempunyai tandatangan dan meterai Gabenor; 8. (in card games) a. (person playing) pemain: we need another ~ to make up a four, kami memerlukan seorang pemain lagi utk mencukupkan empat orang; b. (a round) pusingan: we’ve got time for one more ~ before tea, kita ada masa utk satu pusingan lagi sebelum waktu minum teh; c. (cards dealt to each player) daun terup (yg dibahagikan): I’ve got a good ~ this time, saya mendapat daun terup yg bagus-bagus kali ini; 9. (of bananas) sikat, sisir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |