hocus-pocus | n 1. trickery, sunglap, silap mata: a magician’s ~, sunglap ahli sihir; there’s a lot of ~ in their politics, terdapat banyak silap mata dlm politik mereka; 2. incantation used by magicians, mantera, jampi; 3. deceiving talk, putar belit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fascinate | vt 1. captivate, (act.) mempesona(kan); (pass.) terpesona: the magician ~d the children with his tricks, ahli silap mata mempesona kanak-kanak itu dgn permainan silap matanya; she was ~d by his charming ways, dia terpesona dgn gaya lelaki itu yg menarik; 2. transfix, (act.) menyebabkan terpegun, memukau; (pass.) terpegun, terpukau: the snake’s eyes ~d the child, mata ular itu menyebabkan kanak-kanak itu terpegun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conjure | vt 1. cause to appear by magic, menyulapkan, menjelmakan (secara silap mata): he ~d a rabbit out of a hat, dia menjelmakan seekor arnab dr sebuah topi; 2. usu ~up, cause to appear in a surprisingly short time, menjelmakan; (meal) menyediakan [sst] dgn sekelip mata: he came back with a bundle of sticks which he had apparently ~ed up from nowhere, dia kembali dengan seberkas kayu yang diperoleh entah dari mana; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fallibility | n 1. (of person) perihal tdk terlepas drpd membuat kesilapan; 2. (of judgement, information, etc) boleh silap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delusion | n 1. act of deluding, pendayaan; (of os) penipuan diri sendiri: ~ is the art practised by magicians, pendayaan ialah seni yg diamalkan oleh ahli silap mata; such fantasies end in ~, khayalan spt itu akan berakhir dgn penipuan diri sendiri; 2. false belief, delusi: to suffer from ~s of grandeur, mengalami delusi kebesaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fallible | adj 1. (of person) tdk terlepas drpd membuat kesilapan: all men are ~, manusia tdk terlepas drpd membuat kesilapan; 2. (of judgement, information, etc ) boleh silap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entertain | vt 1. receive as guest, meraikan: he ~ed some friends to dinner last night, dia meraikan beberapa orang kawan dgn membawa mereka makan malam tadi; 2. amuse, (act.) menghibur; (pass.) terhibur: they hired a magician to ~ the children, mereka mengupah ahli silap mata utk menghibur kanak-kanak itu; we were greatly ~ed by his performance, kami benar-benar terhibur dgn persembahannya; 3. consider, melayani:he would not ~ such a proposal, dia tdk akan melayani usul demikian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amiss | adj 1. wrong, the matter, [various translations]; (colloq) tak kena: is st ~?, ada apa-apa?; st must be ~ if the place is full of police, tentu ada sst yg terjadi jika tempat ini penuh dgn polis; according to the doctor there was nothing ~ with her, menurut doktor dia tdk sakit apa pun; everything is ~, semuanya serba tak kena; 2. faulty, deserving complaint, [various translations]; (colloq) tak kena: st is ~ with the car, ada sst yg rosak pd kereta itu; there must be st ~ if the books do not balance, tentu ada sst yg silap jika akaun ini tdk seimbang; his judgement was slightly ~ on this occasion, pertimbangannya tdk berapa tepat kali ini; 3. out of place, salah: it would not be ~ for you to participate, tdk ada salahnya or tdk salah jika kamu ikut serta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brick | n 1. rectangular block for building purposes, (batu) bata: a house made of red ~s, rumah yg dibuat drpd bata merah; a ~ wall, tembok bata; 2. block (of st) bata: a ~ of ice, sebata ais; 3. (UK) child’s rectangular block, bongkah; 4. (sl) good, helpful person, (orang yg) baik betul; 5. see BRICK RED; /knock, hit, run/ o’s head against a ~ wall, membuat kerja yg sia-sia; come down on so. like a ton of ~s, mengamuk dgn sso: when he found out that we had broken his window, he came down on us like a ton of ~s, apabila dia dapat tahu kami telah memecahkan cermin tingkapnya, dia mengamuk dgn kami; drop a ~, (sl) buat silap; make ~s without straw, membuat kerja tanpa bahan yg cukup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |