cement | n simen: ~ - mixer, pencampur simen; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
asphalt | n asfalt: ~-based petroleum, petroleum asas asfalt; ~ block, blok asfalt; ~ cement, simen asfalt; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
embed | vt membenamkan, menanam(kan): he ~ded the stones in cement, dia membenamkan batu-batu itu ke dlm simen; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deposit | vt 1. put, set down, [various translations]: she ~ed the parcel on the table, dia meletakkan bungkusan itu di atas meja; he wanted to know where he could ~ the cement, dia hendak tahu tempat dia harus mencurahkan simen itu; they ~ed me at the bus station, mereka menurunkan saya di stesen bas; 2. entrust, place, (esp in a bank) menyimpan: to ~ o’s wages in the bank, menyimpan wang gaji sso di bank; he ~ed the documents with his lawyer, dia menyimpan dokumen-dokumen itu pd peguamnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bag | n 1. container with handle used for carrying etc, beg: all ~s are to be left at the counter, semua beg hendaklah ditinggalkan di kaunter; the car keys are in my ~, kunci kereta ada di dlm beg saya; 2. container without handle used for holding, storing things etc, a. (gen) beg: cement ~s, beg simen; b. (if small) bungkus; (plaited) sumpit, kampit; c. (if large, sack-like) karung; (slightly smaller in size) kampit; (made from jute) guni, karung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fill | tears ~ed her eyes, air matanya bergenang, matanya /bergenang, digenangi/ air mata; sorrow ~s so’s heart, /sso, hati sso/ dirundung duka; 3. occupy (time) mengisi: how do you ~ your time these days?, bagaimanakah kamu mengisi waktumu sekarang?; 4. satisfy, memenuhi: we regret that we are unable to ~ your requirements, kami kesal krn tdk dapat memenuhi keperluan tuan; ~ the bill, memenuhi keperluan; 5. a. seal, memalam, menampal: he ~ed the crack with cement, dia memalam rekahan itu dgn simen; b. block (with sand, earth, stones, etc) menimbus, mengambus: the workmen ~ed the gaping hole with rocks, pekerja-pekerja itu mengambus lubang yg menganga itu dgn batu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fasten | vt 1. make secure, fix firmly, a. (article of clothing) mengancing; (using a zip) mengezip: to ~ a corset, mengancing korset; b. (fastener) mengancing, mengenakan; (zip) mengezip: she deftly ~ed the buttons of her blouse, dgn tangkas dia mengancing butang blausnya; c. (string, stay, etc) mengikat; d. (by tying, binding) mengikat: the parcel must be ~ ed with string, bungkusan itu mesti diikat dgn tali; e. (by cementing etc) mengukuhkan: ~ the post with cement so that it stands upright, kukuhkan tiang itu dgn simen supaya tegak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |