civil | adj 1. rel to the general public, awam: ~ duties, tanggungjawab awam; ~ government, kerajaan awam; 2. (leg.) sivil: ~ action, tindakan sivil; 3. polite, sopan: a ~ reply, jawapan yg sopan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
civil marriage | n perkahwinan sivil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
civil divorce | n perceraian sivil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
civil law | n undang-undang sivil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deprivation | n 1. preventing from enjoying, possessing, tdk + approp v: the ~ of civil rights, tdk mendapat hak-hak sivil; 2. taking away a. (of possession) perampasan; b. (of eyesight etc) hilangnya; c. (right, privilege, membership) pelucutan; 3. fact, instance of being deprived, a. (of possession) rampasan; b. (of eyesight etc) kehilangan; c. (of right, privilege, membership) perlucutan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
constitution | n 1. act of setting up, penubuhan; (law, regulation) pembentukan: before the ~ of civil laws, sebelum pembentukan undang-undang sivil; 2. mode in which st is made up, susunan: the ~ of village society, susunan masyarakat desa; 3. body of fundamental principles, laws, governing nation, organization, perlembagaan; 4. (often C~) statute embodying this, perlembagaan; 5. physical make-up, resam tubuh: he has a robust ~, resam tubuhnya kuat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hand | n 1. part of arm below wrist, tangan; /take, lead / by the ~, memimpin (tangan); 2. manual worker, a. (of factory, farm) pekerja; b. (of ship), /anak, awak/ kapal; 3. influence, agency, pengaruh; (ref to God) kuasa: we can detect the ~ of the military in this so-called civil government, kita boleh merasakan pengaruh tentera dlm kerajaan yg dikatakan kerajaan sivil ini; we can feel the ~ of God in nature, kami dapat merasai kuasa Tuhan pd alam semula jadi; 4. lateral direction, sebelah: on the left ~ side, di sebelah kiri; 5. pointer, jarum: the minute ~, jarum minit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
action | n 1. process or state of acting, tindakan, bertindak: an emergency that requires immediate ~, keadaan cemas yg memerlukan tindakan segera; freedom of ~, kebebasan bertindak; a man of ~, orang yg banyak bertindak; 2. act, deed, tindakan, perbuatan: to judge a man by his ~s, menilai sso drpd tindakannya; 3. movement, gerak-geri: the suspect’s every ~ was closely watched, setiap gerak-geri orang yg disyaki itu diawasi dgn teliti; 4. operation, cara [sst] berfungsi, jalannya: describe the ~ of a gear, huraikan cara gear berfungsi; 5. effect, tindakan: the ~ of acid on metal, tindakan asid atas logam; 6. (in a play, film, etc) aksi: a film full of ~, filem yg penuh aksi; 7. legal proceeding, tindakan (undang-undang): civil ~, tindakan sivil; 8. combat, pertempuran: killed in ~, terbunuh dlm pertempuran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |