corkscrew | n skru pencungkil gabus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adjusting | adj pelaras: ~ screw, skru pelaras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
join | vt 1. a. fasten, bring together, menyambung; (st to st, st on to st) menyambungkan; (by stitching, pinning together) mencantumkan, menyambungkan; (by gluing, cementing) mencantumkan, menautkan; (bones) bersendi, bersambung: the pipes are ~ed by a piece of wire, paip-paip itu disambung dgn wayar; he ~ed the handle to the pot with screws, dia menyambungkan tangkai pd periuk dgn skru; you’ll have to ~ another piece of material on to the skirt, kamu mesti mencantumkan sekeping kain lain pd skirt itu; the humerus is ~ed to the scapula, tulang humerus bersendi dgn tulang belikat; b. connect (two points) by a line, menghubungkan: ~ the two points by drawing a straight line, hubungkan kedua-dua titik itu dgn | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collapse | 3. break down, a. (of person’s health) terjejas: the strain caused his health to ~, ketegangan yg dialaminya menyebabkan kesihatannya terjejas; b. (of person) tersepuk; (in a faint) pengsan: he ~d after the race, dia pengsan selepas perlumbaan itu; ~ with laughter, ketawa pecah perut; ~d and died, jatuh lalu meninggal; 4. cave in, fall inward, (of blood vessel, lung) runtuh; (of parachute) menguncup; 5. (of apparatus etc) fold up, melipat: the tripod ~d as the screw was loosened, kaki tiga itu melipat apabila skru itu dilonggarkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bite | 5. piece, amount bitten off, gigit: two ~s of the apple, dua gigit epal; 6. incisiveness, menusuk hati: a remark with a ~, kata-kata yg menusuk hati; 7. stinging or nipping effect, a. (of wind etc), /menusuk, menggigit/ ke tulang: the ~ of the cold wind, angin yg dingin menusuk ke tulang; b. (of food, drink), [various translations]; (of strong liquor) rasa pedar arak keras: I like a sauce with more ~ in it, saya suka akan sos yg lebih keras rasanya; 8. grip, cengkaman: a screw with plenty of ~, skru yg kuat cengkamannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |