finance | n 1. management of public money, kewangan: questions of ~ do not interest him, soal-soal kewangan tdk menarik minatnya; 2. funds, biaya: additional ~ may be necessary, biaya tambahan mungkin diperlukan; 3. (in pl) financial situation, keadaan kewangan: the bank manager had his doubts about the company’s ~s, pengurus bank itu ragu-ragu ttg keadaan kewangan syarikat tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
general | adj 1. involving the whole rather than a part, menyeluruh: ~ decay, kerosakan yg menyeluruh; the announcement caused ~ uproar, pengumuman itu menyebabkan berlakunya kegemparan yg menyeluruh; 2. common, widespread, umum, ramai: matters of ~ interest, soal-soal kepentingan umum; the new TV programme has become a ~ favourite, rancangan baru TV itu telah menjadi kegemaran umum; the ~ opinion is that he is guilty, pd pendapat umum dia bersalah; 3. comprehensive, not restricted, am, umum: schemes to improve the ~ welfare of the farmers, rancangan-rancangan utk meningkatkan kebajikan am para petani; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interrogation | n 1. formal and thorough questioning, soal siasat, pemisitan, menyoal siasat: the ~ of the suspect lasted for hours, yg disyaki disoal siasat berjam-jam lamanya; the accused broke down under ~, yg tertuduh tdk dapat menguasai perasaan semasa soal siasat; 2. instance of this, soal siasat, pisitan, menyoal siasat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gift-horse | n; /don’t, never/ look a ~ in the mouth, menerima sahaja tanpa banyak soal: I don’t know from where he got the money to buy me a present – however, I would never look a ~ in the mouth, saya tdk tahu di mana dia mendapat wang utk membelikan saya hadiah – walau bagaimanapun saya menerima sahaja tanpa banyak soal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interrogation mark | n tanda /tanya, soal/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
horse | a ~ of /another, a different/ colour, soal lain; eat like a ~, makan dgn banyak; (as a habit) kuat makan; /be, get/ on o’s high ~, (colloq) marah dan meninggi diri; hold o’s ~s, (colloq) sabar dulu: hold your ~s, he may be telling the truth, sabar dulu, mungkin dia bercakap yg benar; put the cart before the ~, do things in the wrong order, buat kerja balik bokong; /straight, right/ from the ~’s mouth, (colloq) drpd mulut sso sendiri; a willing ~, orang yg rela bekerja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
catechism | n 1. questions and answers for religious instruction, soal jawab agama; 2. close questioning, soalan-soalan yg rapi: to face the ~ of the opposition, menghadapi soalan-soalan yg rapi drpd pihak pembangkang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brass tacks | n (sl); get down to ~, bercakap ttg soal pokok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
debate | ~ /about, on, upon/, memperdebatkan, mendebatkan, mem(per)bahaskan: they ~d on the question of legalised abortion, mereka memperdebatkan soal pengguguran kandungan yg dibenarkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beside | be ~ os, lupa diri: she was ~ herself with joy, dia lupa diri krn terlalu gembira; ~ the /point, question, mark/, tdk /menjadi soal, ada kaitannya, kena-mengena/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |