jump | dia bergegas bangun dr katilnya; she just had time to ~ into the taxi before it sped away, dia sempat melompat masuk sebelum teksi itu melaju pergi; he ~ed to his feet and stood at attention, dia bergegas bangun lalu berdiri tegak; 4. start, terkejut, terperanjat: the sudden report made me ~, bunyi tembakan yg tiba-tiba membuat saya terkejut; 5. move quickly (from one thing to another) melompat(-lompat): I found her lecture rather difficult to follow as she kept on ~ing from one topic to another, saya dapati agak sukar utk mengikuti kuliahnya krn dia melompat-lompat drpd satu tajuk ke tajuk lain; he has this habit of ~ing from job to job, dia suka melompat drpd satu pekerjaan ke pekerjaan yg | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flick1 | 3. snap (fingers) to produce sound, memetik: waiters don’t like people who ~ their fingers at them, pelayan tdk suka orang yg memanggil mereka dgn memetik jari; 4. strike rapidly with flexible object, melibas: the boys were having fun at the baths, ~ing each other with their wet towels, budak-budak itu sedang berseronok-seronok di kolam renang sambil melibas satu sama lain dgn tuala basah mereka; 5. jerk forward, menyentakkan: he ~ed his arm out as the ball sped past him, dia menyentakkan tangannya ketika bola meluru melewatinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |