Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[spor.ting] | سڤورتيڠ

Definisi : bp berfikiran terbuka dan memenuhi kehendak seseorang: ayahku memang rasional dan ~ orangnya; sikap ~ ibu bapa terhadap anak-anak adalah keterlaluan sehingga pelibatan mereka dgn dadah tidak dipedulikan. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata sporting

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

gunroomn room for storing sporting guns, bilik senapang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fixturen 1. thing fixed in position, lekapan: bathroom ~s, lekapan-lekapan bilik mandi; 2. a. sporting event for which the date has been fixed, perlawanan; (race) perlumbaan: a list of motor racing ~s, senarai perlumbaan kereta; b. date appointed for match, race, tarikh /perlawanan, perlumbaan/; 3. (colloq) person, thing regarded as fixed in a place, penunggu: he has become a ~ at the university, dia menjadi penunggu di universiti itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
galan 1. festive occasion, special entertainment, pesta: a ~ ball, pesta tari-menari; in ~ dress, memakai pakaian pesta; 2. (UK) sporting occasion, gala: a tennis ~, gala tenis.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
circuitn 1. track for motor racing, litar; 2. regular round, perlitaran: judges who go on ~, hakim-hakim yg melakukan perlitaran; 3. sequence of sporting events, pertandingan litar: international golf ~, pertandingan litar golf antarabangsa; 4. (electr) litar; 5. round journey, pusingan: he managed to run five ~s of the track, dia dapat berlari lima pusingan balapan itu; make a ~ of, mengelilingi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
house7. family, a. (of royal descent), /kerabat, keluarga/ diraja: the H~ of Windsor, Kerabat Diraja Windsor; b. (of noble descent) keluarga bangsawan: the noble ~s of Europe, keluarga bangsawan Eropah; 8. dynasty, wangsa: the ~ of Othman, wangsa Othmaniah; 9. division of a school esp for sporting competition, rumah: blue ~, rumah biru;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lanen 1. narrow road esp in the country, lorong, jalan kecil: a ~ winding through pretty countryside, lorong yg berliku-liku merentasi daerah luar kota yg indah; 2. (often in place names) narrow street, alley between buildings, lorong: he ran down a back ~, dia berlari turun ke lorong belakang; University ~, Lorong Universiti; 3. marked section on road, lorong: a four ~ highway, lebuh raya empat lorong; I prefer to keep to the middle ~, saya lebih suka mengikut lorong tengah; 4. (in sporting competition) marked strips of track, water, etc, lorong; 5. (of ship, aircraft) frequently used route, laluan: the shipping ~s through the Straits of Malacca, laluan kapal merentasi Selat Melaka.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gaten 1. doorlike structure in fence, wall, etc, a. (gen) pintu pagar: my backyard has a ~, kawasan belakang rumah saya berpintu pagar; b. (of railway) pagar (kereta api); c. (of walled city) pintu kota; d. (of palace, temple) pintu gerbang, gapura; e. (of canal, dam) pintu air; 2. numbered exit leading to aircraft, pintu: to board the aircraft from ~ 8, menaiki kapal terbang melalui pintu nombor 8; 3. mountain pass, genting; 4. total attendance at sporting events, jumlah penonton; 5. see GATE MONEY.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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