found2 | ~ st on st, (<i>usu pass.i>) <i>base st on st,i> mengasaskan sst pd sst: <i>the novel is ~ed on fact,i> novel itu diasaskan pd fakta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
engrave | <i>vti> 1. <i>inscribe,i> (<i> st on sti> ) mengukirkan; (<i> st with sti> ) mengukir: <i> he ~d his name on the pen,i> dia mengukirkan namanya pd pen itu; <i>the tombstone is ~d with his name,i> batu nisan itu diukir dgn namanya; 2. (<i> usu pass.i>) <i> fix deeply in the mind,i> terpahat: <i> the sight will be ~d on my memory forever,i> apa yg dilihat akan terpahat dlm ingatanku selama-lamanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
join | <i>vti> 1. a. <i>fasten, bring together,i> menyambung; (<i>st to st, st on to sti>) menyambungkan; (<i>by stitching, pinning togetheri>) mencantumkan, menyambungkan; (<i>by gluing, cementingi>) mencantumkan, menautkan; (<i>bonesi>) bersendi, bersambung: <i>the pipes are ~ed by a piece of wire,i> paip-paip itu disambung dgn wayar; <i>he ~ed the handle to the pot with screws,i> dia menyambungkan tangkai pd periuk dgn skru; <i>you’ll have to ~ another piece of material on to the skirt,i> kamu mesti mencantumkan sekeping kain lain pd skirt itu; <i>the humerus is ~ed to the scapula,i> tulang humerus bersendi dgn tulang belikat; b. <i>connecti> (<i>two pointsi>) <i>by a line,i> menghubungkan: <i>~ the two points by drawing a straight line,i> hubungkan kedua-dua titik itu dgn | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inject | <i>vti> 1. (<i>medi>), (<i>so. or st with sti>) menyuntik; (<i>st into so. sti>) menyuntikkan: <i>to ~ so. with a serum,i> menyuntik sso dgn serum; <i>he ~ed the drug into the tissue around the wound,i> dia menyuntikkan dadah itu ke dlm tisu di keliling luka tersebut; 2. <i>introduce, add,i> menyelitkan, menyisipkan; (<i>moneyi>) menyuntikkan: <i>he was able to ~ humour into the discussion,i> dia dapat menyelitkan jenaka dlm perbincangan itu; <i>a teacher who ~ed a sense of excitement into the history lessons,i> guru yg menyelitkan unsur-unsur yg menyeronokkan dlm mata pelajaran sejarah; <i>the government has ~ed large sums of money into the ailing industry,i> kerajaan telah menyuntikkan wang yg banyak ke dlm industri yg tenat itu; ~ so. against, menyuntik sso utk mencegah: <i>the child has been ~ed against rubella,i> | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insertion | <i>ni> 1. <i>act of,i> a. (<i>putting, placing st into sti>) pemasukan, memasukkan: <i>the ~ of the coin into the slot,i> pemasukan duit syiling ke dlm lubang itu; b. (<i>putting, placing st between sti>) menyelitkan, menyisipkan; (<i>punctuation marki>) memasukkan: <i>the ~ of the dental floss between the teeth,i> menyelitkan flos gigi di antara gigi; 2. <i>st inserted, as an advertisement in the newspaper, lace in a dress,i> sisipan, selitan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
knock | ~ on st, <i>seei> ~ at; ~ st on, <i>seei> ~ st against; ~ st on the head, <i>prevent the realization ofi> (<i>plan, scheme, etci>) membunuh, mematikan: <i>to ~ a scheme on the head,i> membunuh sst rancangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay 1 | ~ st against st, <i>see vt (sense 1.);i> ~ a charge against, menuduh: <i>a charge of murder was laid against him,i> dia dituduh membunuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | ~ st between; ~ st between o’s teeth, menggigit sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
far | go ~ /to do st, towards st/, membantu, menolong: <i>the money donated by their neighbours will go ~ to pay for the hospital bills,i> wang yg diderma oleh jiran-jiran mereka akan membantu mereka membayar bil hospital; in so ~ as, insofar as [<i>various translationsi>]: <i>your suggestion is useful in so ~ as pensioners are concerned,i> cadangan tuan berguna setakat pesara-pesara sahaja; <i>she is different from the rest in so ~ as she seems unimpressed by any show of wealth,i> dia berbeza drpd yg lain dlm erti kata dia tdk kagum dgn kekayaan; so ~, /setakat, sejauh/ ini: <i>so ~ his work has been satisfactory,i> setakat ini, kerjanya memuaskan; so ~ and no further, setakat ini dan tdk lebih drpd ini; so ~ so good, setakat ini tdk ada apa-apa masalah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freight | <i>vti> mengangkut; ~ st with st, memuati sst dgn sst: <i>the ship was ~ed with grain,i> kapal itu dimuati dgn bijirin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |