clamour | n 1. loud, confused outcry of human voices or animal sounds, bunyi riuh; (extremely loud) bunyi /riuh-rendah, hingar-bingar/: the ~ of voices coming from the other room, bunyi riuh suara dr bilik sebelah; 2. loud, continued noise, bunyi bising: she closed the window to shut out the ~ of the traffic, dia menutup tingkap supaya bunyi bising lalu lintas tdk kedengaran; 3. loud, insistent demand or complaint, suara desakan ramai: the ~ for independence grew more insistent, suara desakan ramai yg menuntut kemerdekaan menjadi bertambah kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
growl | n 1. rough, guttural sound of animal, bunyi (anjing, kucing, dll) menggeram; (of tiger, lion) bunyi (harimau, singa) mengaum, bunyi aum (harimau, singa); 2. (of thunder, engine, etc) bunyi /deram-derum, deram, derum/ (sst), bunyi (sst) /berderam-derum, berderam, berderum/: the ~ of the outboard motor, bunyi motor sangkut berderum; 3. st said in a low, gruff voice, suara geram: he gave a ~ of disapproval, dia membantah dgn suara geram; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
croak | n 1. (of frog) bunyi (katak) menguak; 2. (of crow, raven, etc) bunyi (gagak) menggauk; 3. (of person) suara yg serak: he could only speak in a ~, dia hanya dapat bercakap dgn suara yg serak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guttural | adj 1. throaty, garau, garuk: a ~ voice, suara yg garau; the frog’s ~ croakings, kuak katak yg garuk itu; 2. (ling) gutural: ~ consonant, konsonan gutural; German is a ~ language, bahasa Jerman ialah bahasa gutural; a language rich in ~ sounds, bahasa yg kaya dgn bunyi-bunyi gutural. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hubbub | n confused noise, bunyi bising, keriuhan: the ~ of voices was heard from some distance away, keriuhan suara kedengaran dr jarak yg agak jauh; the ~ of city streets, bunyi bising di jalan-jalan kota. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gentle | 2. not loud, hushed, perlahan; (of person’s voice) lembut: he heard a ~ sobbing from the child’s room, dia terdengar bunyi esakan yg perlahan dr bilik budak itu; the ~ pitter patter of rain on the roof, bunyi rintik-rintik hujan yg perlahan pd bumbung; the mother’s ~ voice calmed the baby, suara ibu yg lembut menenangkan bayi itu; 3. not violent, perlahan: there was a ~ knock on the door, terdengar bunyi ketukan yg perlahan di pintu; he heard the ~ tapping of the branches on the window-panes, dia terdengar bunyi lembut tap, tap, dahan- | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
confused | adj 1. bewildered, keliru: after listening to his explanation I became more ~, selepas mendengar penjelasannya saya menjadi lebih keliru; 2. disorderly, muddled, berkecamuk tdk keruan; (of mind, thoughts) bercelaru: ~ sounds and voices, bunyi dan suara yg tdk keruan; 3. unclear, kabur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
babble | n 1. inarticulate speech (as when many people are talking) percakapan yg tdk jelas butirnya, ceridauan: the ~ of voices from the party, percakapan yg tdk jelas butirnya dr keramaian itu; 2. incoherent talk, raban; (in delirium) racau; 3. (of baby) suara mengagah, (suara) agahan: the ~ of the baby in his cot, suara bayi mengagah dr dlm katilnya; 4. (of running water) bunyi desiran air mengalir: the ~ of a stream, bunyi desiran air mengalir di anak sungai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | adj 1. unambiguous, easy to understand, (dgn) jelas: he made his meaning quite ~, dia menyatakan maksudnya dgn agak jelas; this sentence is not at all ~, ayat ini tdk jelas sama sekali; to give ~ instructions, memberi arahan yg jelas; 2. easy to hear, read, see, jelas: a ~ speaking voice, bercakap dgn suara yg jelas; the ~ sound of bells, bunyi loceng yg jelas kedengaran; his handwriting is neat and ~, tulisannya kemas dan jelas; 3. well-defined, terang, jelas: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drown | vt 1. kill by submerging in water, membenamkan [sso, sst] ke dlm air sehingga mati: he ~ed the kittens, dia membenamkan anak-anak kucing itu ke dlm air sehingga mati; 2. cover completely, menenggelamkan: the heavy rain ~ed the pastures, hujan lebat menenggelamkan padang rumput itu; 3. get rid of, menghilangkan: he ~ed his sorrows in drink, dia menghilangkan kesedihannya dgn minum arak; 4. also ~ out, muffle, menenggelamkan + approp n: the noise outside ~ed out the speaker, bunyi bising di luar menenggelamkan suara penceramah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |