fertile | adj (lit. & fig.) subur: ~ soil, tanah subur; ~ eggs, telur subur; his imagination is too ~, imaginasinya terlalu subur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fat | 4. fertile, subur: ~ pastures, padang ragut yg subur; 5. profitable, menguntungkan; (of profit) lumayan, besar; (of job) bergaji /lumayan, besar/: the tourist industry has had a ~ year, tahun ini merupakan tahun yg menguntungkan bagi industri pelancongan; ~ profits, keuntungan besar; he’s got himself a ~ job, dia memperoleh kerja yg bergaji lumayan; 6. richly rewarding, besar: he was given a ~ part in the play, dia diberi peranan yg besar dlm lakon itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fecund | adj 1. fertile , subur: ~ pastures , padang ragut yg subur; 2. ntellectually productive , produktif: a ~ imagination , imaginasi yg produktif; a ~ era in the history of music, zaman produktif dlm sejarah muzik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flourish | vi 1. thrive, prosper, berkembang (maju): business is ~ing, perniagaan sedang berkembang maju; 2. grow well, /tumbuh, hidup/ subur: roses ~ in a clayey soil, pokok-pokok mawar tumbuh subur dlm tanah yg banyak tanah liatnya; 3. be in good health, segar-bugar, sihat walafiat: we’re all ~ing, kami semua segar-bugar; 4. be at the peak of development, bersemarak: the Gothic style of architecture ~ed in the 13th and 14th centuries, gaya senibina Gotik bersemarak dlm kurun ke-13 dan ke-14; 5. develop strongly, berkembang subur: poetry and drama ~ed in Elizabethan England, puisi dan drama berkembang subur di England dlm zaman Elizabeth; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infertile | adj 1. unable to produce young, mandul, tdk subur; (of animal) mandul; 2. barren, (of land) tandus; (of soil) tdk subur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Fertile Crescent | n Hilal Subur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infertility | n 1. inability to produce young, kemandulan, ketidaksuburan, tdk subur; (of animal) kemandulan; 2. barrenness, (of land) ketandusan; (of soil) ketidaksuburan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
healthy | adj 1. enjoying, showing good health, sihat; (of plants) subur: ~ babies, bayi-bayi yg sihat; ~ skin, kulit yg sihat; 2. thriving, teguh: the country’s economy is fairly ~, ekonomi negara itu agak teguh; 3. conducive to health, menyihatkan, menyegarkan: the ~ air of the mountains, udara gunung yg menyihatkan; a ~ climate, iklim yg menyegarkan; 4. good, beneficial, sihat: ~ competition, persaingan yg sihat; ~ reading for school children, pembacaan yg sihat utk kanak-kanak sekolah 5. sensible, wajar: children have a ~ interest in the human body, kanak-kanak mempunyai minat yg wajar thdp tubuh manusia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glass | under ~, di dlm rumah kaca: these fruits grow well under ~, pokok buah-buahan ini hidup subur di dlm rumah kaca; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bloom | vi 1. bear flowers, berbunga: plants that ~ all the year round, pokok yg berbunga sepanjang tahun; 2. (of flower) open, mekar, kembang; 3. flourish, berkembang (subur): talent that ~s at an early age, bakat yg berkembang subur pd usia yg muda; 4. be in full beauty and perfection, mekar: a scrawny child who ~ed into a beautiful woman, kanak-kanak kurus kering yg mekar menjadi wanita yg cantik; 5. glow, berseri: the child’s face ~s with health, muka kanak-kanak itu berseri krn sihat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |