already | adv 1. (indic completed action or action in process) sudah, sudah pun: he ~ knows the problem, dia sudah pun tahu ttg masalah itu; the bus has ~ left, bas itu sudah bertolak; it’s ~ boiling, air sudah pun mendidih; 2. (with interrog) sudahkah; (rel to time) sudah: have you finished your work ~?, sudahkah kamu menyelesaikan kerja kamu?; is it five o’clock ~?, sudah pukul lima?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harp | ~ on (about), tdk /habis-habis, sudah-sudah/ bercakap ttg: the boss is always ~ing on our mistakes, bos tdk habis-habis bercakap ttg kesalahan kita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
endlessly | adv tdk /henti-henti, habis-habis, sudah-sudah/: she talks ~ about her family, dia tdk henti-henti bercakap ttg keluarganya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eternal | adj 1. everlasting, abadi, kekal: ~ bliss, kebahagiaan yg abadi; 2. (colloq) incessant, tak /henti-henti, habis-habis, sudah-sudah/: ~ bickering, pertengkaran yg tak henti-henti; 3. absolute, mutlak: this is one of the ~ truths of nature, ini ialah satu drpd kebenaran alam yg mutlak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
everlasting | adj 1. (fml) lasting forever, kekal, abadi: ~ fame, kemasyhuran yg kekal; 2. (derog) incessant, tdk /habis-habis, sudah-sudah/: I’m tired of their ~ complaints, saya bosan dgn rungutan mereka yg tdk habis-habis itu; 3. (of flower) tahan lama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accustomed | adj sudah menjadi sifat sso: the soldiers fought with their ~ bravery, askar-askar itu berjuang dgn kegagahan yg sudah menjadi sifat mereka; be ~ to, sudah biasa, betah: he is ~ to rising early, dia sudah biasa bangun awal; be ~ to working hard, sudah biasa bekerja keras; /become, get/ ~ to, (menjadi) biasa dgn, (sudah) betah dgn: I have become ~ to her ways, saya sudah biasa dgn ragamnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dead | 6. obsolete, outdated, sudah /lapuk, usang, mati/; (of language), /sudah, telah/, /mati, pupus/: a ~ custom, adat resam yg sudah lapuk; a ~ issue, isu yg sudah lapuk; 7. (colloq) very tired, (sudah) tdk bermaya lagi, separuh mati, letih lesu: after all that walking, I’m just ~, selepas berjalan kaki sekian jauh, saya tdk bermaya lagi; 8. worked out, a. (of oil well) kering; b. (of mine) tdk mengeluarkan hasil lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accepted | adj sudah diterima (umum), tdk dipertikaikan lagi: an ~ custom , adat yg sudah diterima; an ~ fact , kenyataan yg sudah diterima; ~ opinion, pendapat yg /sudah diterima umum, tdk dipertikaikan (lagi)/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | adj 1. gashed, wounded, luka: blood dripped from his ~ finger, darah keluar dr jari yg luka; 2. separated by an edged instrument, a. (gen), (sudah) /dipotong, dikerat/: ~ metal, logam yg sudah dipotong; b. (lengthwise), (sudah) dibelah: ~ firewood, kayu api yg sudah dibelah; c. (into slices), (sudah) dihiris: thinly ~ brown bread, roti perang yg dihiris nipis; d. (with scissors), (sudah) /digunting, dipotong/: ~ material, kain yg sudah digunting; e. (with saw), (sudah) digergaji; f. (with axe), (sudah) dikapak; 3. felled, (sudah) ditebang: ~ timber, balak yg sudah ditebang; 4. pruned, (sudah) /dipangkas, dicantas/; 5. reduced, (sudah) /dikurangkan, diturunkan, dipotong/: these goods are sold at ~ price, barang-barang ini dijual dgn harga yg sudah dikurangkan; 6. castrated, kasi, kembiri: a ~ horse, kuda kasi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dead | adj 1. no longer living, a. (gen ), (sudah, telah) mati: ~ trees, pokok-pokok yg sudah mati; ~ insects, serangga mati; ~ wood, kayu mati; b. (of person), /sudah, telah/ /meninggal dunia, mati/; (of royalty), /sudah, telah/ mangkat; (of prophet), /sudah, telah/ wafat; (coarse), /sudah, telah/ /mampus, kojol/; c. (of flower), /sudah, telah/ layu; d. (of leaf) kering; 2. inanimate, tdk bernyawa: ~ matter, benda yg tdk bernyawa; 3. numb, kebas: his fingers are ~ with cold, jari-jarinya kebas krn kesejukan; 4. (of sound) bengap, benak, pekak: the ~ sound of the coin as it hit the floor, bunyi bengap syiling itu ketika jatuh ke lantai; 5. (of colour) usam, kusam, pekat: ~ black, warna hitam usam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |