gone | ~ are the days, the days are ~, zaman ...sudah berlalu: ~ are the days when you could buy a catty of sugar for 20 sen, zaman kita dapat membeli sekati gula dgn harga 20 sen sudah berlalu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
day | colonialism has had its ~, zaman kegemilangan kolonialisme sudah berlalu; if he’s etc a ~, sekurang-kurangnya: he’s seventy if he is a ~, dia sekurang-kurangnya berusia tujuh puluh tahun; in ~s to come,> pd masa(-masa) yg akan datang; in a ~ or so, dlm sehari dua; in /o’s, so’s/ ~, a. in o’s, so’s lifetime, (pd) /masa, zaman/ sso dahulu: in my grandfather’s ~, pd masa datuk saya dahulu; b. in o’s, so’s young days, pd masa sso muda (-muda) dahulu, pd masa muda sso dahulu: she was a beauty in her ~, pd masa dia muda-muda dahulu dia cantik; c. in so’s period of prosperity, success, etc, pd masa sso dahulu; in /the ~s of old, ~s of yore/, (liter.) pd /masa, zaman/ dahulu; (in) these ~s, pd /masa sekarang, masa ini/, sekarang ini, kini: in this ~ and age, pd /hari, masa/ ini, pd masa sekarang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effect | in ~, a. in fact, pd hakikatnya, sebenarnya: this in ~ means that the danger is over, ini pd hakikatnya bererti bahawa bahaya sudah berlalu; b. in operation, berkuat kuasa, berlaku: these regulations are still in ~, peraturan-peraturan ini masih berkuat kuasa; /of, to/ no ~, sia-sia saja: we tried again and again but to no ~, kami mencuba berkali-kali tetapi sia-sia saja; take ~, a. produce results, berkesan, memberikan kesan: the pills should take ~ in 30 minutes, pil-pil itu dijangka berkesan dlm masa 30 minit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | b. finished, [various translations]: that’s ~ over and done with, semua itu sudah berlalu; it’s ~ over between them, hubungan mereka sudah putus; c. typically, memang: that’s Joe ~ over, Joe memang begitu; ~ right, see ALL RIGHT; ~ round, a. for all present, utk semua (yg hadir): to buy drinks ~ round, membeli minuman utk semua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
day | call it a ~, (colloq), [various translations]: they loaded up the last truck and then called it a ~, mereka memuati trak yg akhir lalu berhenti bekerja utk hari itu; I think I’ll call it a ~ and go home, baiklah saya berhenti dan pulang; he has served four terms: it’s about time he calls it a ~, dia telah berkhidmat selama empat penggal: sudah tiba masanya dia mengundurkan diri; early in the ~, masih terlalu awal; end o’s ~s, menghabiskan hari-hari terakhir sso; from ~ to ~, from one ~ to the next, dr (se)hari ke (se)hari: he lives from ~ to ~ without any thought of the future, dia hidup dr hari ke hari tanpa memikirkan masa depan; have had /its, so’s/ ~, zaman kegemilangan sso sudah berlalu: he was at one time a popular singer but he has had his ~, pd suatu masa dahulu dia penyanyi yg popular tetapi zaman kegemilangannya sudah berlalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
behind | prep 1. at, in the rear of, di belakang: the river ~ the house, sungai di belakang rumah itu; 2. towards the rear of, ke belakang: he looked ~ him, dia memandang ke belakang; 3. on the farther side of, di balik, di belakang: no one knows what lies ~ the wall, tdk seorang pun tahu apa yg ada di balik tembok itu; 4. to the farther side of, ke balik, ke belakang: she ran ~ the tree, dia berlari ke balik pokok; 5. gone by for, [various translations]: I have got the exams ~ me now, peperiksaan saya sudah berlalu; your youth will soon be ~ you, masa remajamu akan berlalu tdk lama lagi; 6. later than, /terlambat, (ter)lewat/ dr: a train ~ schedule, kereta api yg terlambat drpd jadual; 7. in the background of, concealed by, di balik: ~ the sweet words is an evil intention, di balik kata-kata manis itu ada niat yg buruk; the reason ~ his resignation, sebab di balik peletakan jawatannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | ~ on, a. also ~ onto, mount, board, naik: there’s nothing to be afraid of, ~ on!, apa yg hendak ditakutkan, naiklah!; b. (become late) lewat; (elapse) berlalu; (of year) hampir berlalu: it’s ~ting on. Why don’t you go to bed?, hari sudah lewat. Pergilah masuk tidur; time is ~ting on and our work is nowhere near finished, masa berlalu dan banyak lagi kerja kita yg belum selesai; c. (of person) grow old, /semakin, beransur/ tua: he is ~ting on in years, dia semakin tua; d. advance, [various translations]: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |