done | adj 1. completed, finished, (sudah) selesai: my work is ~, kerja saya sudah selesai; 2. cooked, sudah masak; ~ to a turn, well ~, cukup masak; 3. socially acceptable, sopan, beradab: it’s not ~ to gulp down your drink, adalah tdk beradab utk menggogok minuman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breathe | vi 1. respire, bernafas: fish cannot ~ out of water, ikan tdk dapat bernafas di luar air; I can hardly ~ , saya hampir-hampir tdk dapat bernafas; 2. regain breath or composure, bernafas, berasa lega: I can ~ easier now that the work is done, saya dapat bernafas sekarang krn kerja itu sudah selesai; 3. (of air) blow gently, berhembus, berpuput, bertiup lembut: a light wind was breathing, angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa berhembus; 4. live, exist, bernyawa, bernafas, hidup: every animal that ~s on earth setiap haiwan yg hidup di bumi ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finished | adj 1. having completed st, selesai, habis: what time will you be ~?, pukul berapakah kamu selesai?; Hamid thought he’d paid all his tax arrears but he discovered that Inland Revenue wasn’t ~ with him yet, Hamid menyangka dia sudah melangsaikan tunggakan cukainya tetapi dia mendapati pihak Hasil Dalam Negeri belum habis dengannya lagi; 2. no longer interested, tdk /ingin, mahu/ lagi: I’m ~ with teaching English, saya tdk ingin lagi menjadi guru bahasa Inggeris; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
D-day | n day on which st important is planned to begin, harinya: preparations are nowhere near completion and ~ is fast approaching, persiapan lambat lagi akan selesai dan harinya sudah begitu hampir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | ~ on, a. also ~ onto, mount, board, naik: there’s nothing to be afraid of, ~ on!, apa yg hendak ditakutkan, naiklah!; b. (become late) lewat; (elapse) berlalu; (of year) hampir berlalu: it’s ~ting on. Why don’t you go to bed?, hari sudah lewat. Pergilah masuk tidur; time is ~ting on and our work is nowhere near finished, masa berlalu dan banyak lagi kerja kita yg belum selesai; c. (of person) grow old, /semakin, beransur/ tua: he is ~ting on in years, dia semakin tua; d. advance, [various translations]: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | ~ about, a. on the point of, baru hendak: I was ~ about to knock when the door suddenly flew open, saya baru saja hendak mengetuk apabila pintu itu tiba-tiba dibuka luas; b. approximately, roughly, lebih kurang: he’s ~ about your height, tingginya lebih kurang tinggi kamu; c. almost, hampir: in the big department stores you can buy ~ about anything, di gedung-gedung serba aneka yg besar kita boleh membeli hampir apa saja; the book is ~ about finished, buku itu hampir selesai; it’s ~ about three o’clock, sudah hampir pukul tiga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |