deign | vi & vt sudi: he would not ~ to look at her, dia tdk sudi memandang gadis itu; she would not ~ an answer, dia tdk sudi menjawab. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gracious | adj 1. pleasant, polite and generous, baik budi: it was ~ of the Duchess to come to our bazaar, Duchess itu sungguh baik budi krn sudi datang ke pesta amal kami; a ~ hostess, tuan rumah yg baik budi; 2. marked or characterized by courtesy, kindness, lembut mesra: we were pleased with their ~reception, kami berasa senang dgn sambutan mereka yg lembut mesra; a ~ smile, senyuman yg lembut mesra; 3. characterized by elegance, mewah: ~ living, kehidupan yg mewah; 4. (of God) merciful, Maha /Pengampun, Mengasihani/: God is ~, Tuhan Maha Pengampun; 5. (fml), (used in addressing or referring to royal persons), [not translated]: her ~ Majesty Queen Beatrix, Duli Yang Maha Mulia Ratu Beatrix; by the ~ consent of the Sultan of Oman, dgn perkenanan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Oman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honour | do so. ~, a. pay homage to so., memberi penghormatan kpd sso: heads of state attended the emperor’s funeral to do him ~, ketua-ketua negara menghadiri upacara pengebumian maharaja sbg penghormatan kpd baginda; b. cause others to respect so., menyebabkan sso /dihormati, dipandang mulia/; do so. the ~ of, sudi; (of royalty) berkenan bercemar duli; (in request) sudikah: she did us the ~ of attending the show’s opening night, dia telah sudi menghadiri malam pembukaan pertunjukan itu; will you do me the ~ of dancing with me?, sudikah puan menari dgn saya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grant | he was ~ed permission to stay, dia diberi kebenaran utk tinggal di situ; this land was ~ed to his family three centuries ago, tanah ini diberi kpd keluarganya tiga abad yg lalu; a region that has been ~ed autonomy, kawasan yg telah diberikan kuasa autonomi; ~ so. o’s time, meluangkan masa utk sso: thank you for ~ing us so much of your time, terima kasih krn telah sudi meluangkan masa yg begitu banyak utk kami; 3. (fml) admit truth of, concede, akui: I ~ you he has everything that a man could want, saya akui dia | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
condescend | v 1. (derog) behave patronizingly, bersikap meninggikan diri: she never ~s to her employees, instead treats them as equals, dia tdk pernah bersikap meninggikan diri thdp pekerja-pekerjanya, malahan dia menganggap mereka sbg setaraf dengannya; 2. (derog) do st one considers below o’s position, berkenan; (ironical) menjatuhkan darjat sso: he actually ~ed to sit beside me, dia berkenan utk duduk di sebelah saya; perhaps your uncle would ~ to help me clean up this mess, sudi agaknya bapa saudara kamu menjatuhkan darjatnya untuk menolong saya membersihkan kotoran ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |