angle 1 | n 1. (geom) sudut: acute ~, sudut tirus; obtuse ~, sudut cakah; right ~, sudut tegak; an ~ of 60 degrees, sudut 60 darjah; 2. corner (as of building, stone) sudut, penjuru; 3. sharp projection, bucu: the carpenter planed the ~s of a piece of wood, tukang kayu mengetam bucu-bucu kayu; 4. position, direction, etc from which st is presented to view, sudut: the shot was taken from an unusual ~, gambar itu diambil dr suatu sudut yg luar biasa; ~ shot, gambar sudut; camera ~, sudut kamera; high ~ shot, gambar dongak; low ~ shot, gambar junam; 5. standpoint, aspect, sudut (pandangan): to consider a problem from all ~s, mempertimbangkan sst masalah dr segala sudut pandangan; 6. (sl) scheme, muslihat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beg | vi 1. ask for alms, charity, meminta sedekah, mengemis: he ~s at street corners, dia meminta sedekah di sudut-sudut jalan; 2. ask earnestly, meminta-minta, meminta /sangat-sangat, sungguh-sungguh/: the children ~ged to be allowed to go, kanak-kanak itu meminta-minta supaya dibenarkan ikut sama; 3. plead humbly, merayu: the man was on his knees, ~ging to be released, orang itu bertelut sambil merayu agar dibebaskan; 4. (in certain formal expressions) mohon (izin): I ~ to announce that..., saya mohon izin utk mengumumkan bahawa... or saya mohon mengumumkan bahawa...; I ~ to differ, saya mohon berlainan pendapat or saya mohon utk mengatakan bahawa saya tdk bersetuju; I ~ to inform you that..., saya mohon utk memaklumkan bahawa...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corner | n 1. point, place where two sides meet, sudut, penjuru, bucu: a square has four ~s, segi empat tepat mempunyai empat sudut; in a ~ of the room, di suatu sudut bilik itu; there was a speck of dust in the ~ of her eye, ada habuk melekat di sudut matanya; 2. bend, selekoh (jalan): a sharp ~, selekoh tajam; the car disappeared around the ~, kereta itu menghilang di selekoh jalan; 3. nook, ceruk, pelosok: the money was hidden in odd ~s of the house, wang itu tersorok di ceruk sana ceruk sini rumah itu; people came from all ~s of the country, orang datang dr setiap pelosok tanah air; 4. also corner – kick, tendangan /penjuru, sudut/; 5. also corner – hit, pukulan sudut; 6. (econ) monopoli pasaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
angled | adj 1. having an angle or angles, berbucu, bersudut: an ~ sail, layar yg berbucu; 2. (of story, statement, question, etc) ditulis dr sudut pandangan /tertentu, + approp n/: ~ story, cerita yg ditulis dr sudut pandangan tertentu; a politically ~ article, makalah yg ditulis dr sudut pandangan politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
angular | adj 1. lean and bony, a. (of person) kurus; b. (of face) cengkung; 2. stiff, awkward, a. (in movement) kekok, canggung: ~ gait, gaya berjalan yg kekok; b. (in character, manner) agak kasar: his ~ disposition made it difficult for him to make friends, pembawaannya yg agak kasar menyebabkan dia sukar mendapat kawan; 3. having an angle or angles, berbucu-bucu: the church was an ~ stone structure, gereja itu merupakan binaan batu yg berbucu-bucu; 4. placed at an angle, sudut: ~ artery, arteri sudut; 5. measured by angle, sudut: ~ divergence, capahan sudut; ~ aperture, bukaan sudut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
angle 1 | vt 1. place, move at an angle, menyerongkan: he ~d his car into the parking space, dia menyerongkan keretanya masuk ke tempat letak kereta; 2. (colloq) present from a particular viewpoint, /mengemukakan, menulis/ [sst] sesuai dgn sudut pandangan [n]: the article seems to be ~d at working mothers, rencana itu dikemukakan sesuai dgn sudut pandangan ibu-ibu yg bekerja; 3. strike, hit at an angle, memukul [sst] menyudut: he ~d the ball over the net, dia memukul bola itu menyudut melangkau jaring; 4. direct at an angle, mengarahkan: she ~d a look behind her, dia mengarahkan pandangannya ke belakang; to ~ a camera, mengarahkan kamera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
declination | n 1. (astron & phys) keserongan; 2. (geog ) sudut selisih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bisect | vt 1. cut into two equal parts, membahagi dua sama: to ~ an angle, membahagi dua sama sudut; 2. cut or split into two, membelah dua. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corresponding | adj 1. matching, sepadan: rights carry with them ~ responsibilities, hak mendukung tanggungjawab yg sepadan; ~ angles, sudut sepadan; the ~ sides of a triangle, sisi sepadan pd segi tiga; 2. equivalent, similar, sama: his pay is lower than that of so. in a ~ position, gajinya lebih rendah drpd gaji seorang yg menyandang jawatan yg sama; profits have increased compared with the ~ period last year, keuntungan telah meningkat berbanding dgn tempoh yg sama tahun lalu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
degree | n 1. unit of measurement, darjah: ~ of longitude, darjah longitud; 30 ~s Fahrenheit, 30 darjah Fahrenheit; an angle of 90 ~s,sudut 90 darjah; 2. stage in scale of intensity, tingkat, tahap: varying ~s of skill, tingkat kemahiran yg berbeza-beza; a high ~ of intelligence,tingkat kecerdasan yg tinggi; 3. extent, /sejauh, setakat/ mana: the ~ of freedom which should be allowed, sejauh mana kebebasan patut dibenarkan; 4. measure, sedikit sebanyak, [or not translated]: we all need a ~ of self-discipline, kita semua memerlukan sedikit sebanyak disiplin diri; to have a considerable ~ of influence, mempunyai pengaruh yg besar; 5. social status, martabat, darjat, taraf: a man of low ~, lelaki yg rendah martabatnya; 6. academic title, ijazah: a master’s ~, ijazah sarjana; 7. (gram.) darjah: the superlative ~, darjah superlatif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |