Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[suis] | سوءيس

Definisi : alat penghubung atau pemutus litar elektrik, alat (yg dipetik) utk menyalakan atau memadamkan lampu elektrik; ~ lampu pemetik lampu; pensuisan proses atau kaedah memasang suis sesuatu: litar ~. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[suis] | سوءيس

Definisi : alat yg menghubungkan atau yg memutuskan sesuatu litaran elektrik: ~ lampu pemetik lampu. pensuisan proses, hal, kaedah dsb memasang suis sesuatu: litar ~. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata suis

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

automaticadj automatik: an ~ exchange, ibu sawat automatik; an ~ switch, suis automatik; an ~ gate, pintu pagar automatik; ~ weapons, senjata automatik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
feel~ about, meraba-raba: to ~ about in the dark for the light switch, meraba-raba dlm gelap utk mencari suis lampu; ~ strongly about st, memandang berat thdp sst;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flick1n 1. rapid movement backwards or forewards, petik(an), memetik: with one ~ of this switch you can destroy the world, dgn sekali petik suis ini, kamu dapat menghancurkan dunia; 2. quick stroke, a. (with the fingers) jentikan; (to produce sound) petikan: a ~ of his thumb was enough to summon an army of waiters, petikan jarinya saja cukup utk membuat pelayan datang ramai-ramai; b. (with hand) kibasan; c. (with flexible object) libasan; 3. rapid jerk, sentakan: a quick ~ of his foot sent the ball into the goal, sentakan kakinya yg cepat memasukkan bola ke dlm gol;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flick1vt 1. press (switch etc) sharply, memetik: he ~ed all the switches as he left the room, dia memetik semua suis semasa hendak keluar dr bilik itu; 2. strike, remove, etc with rapid blow, a. (with finger or thumb) menjentik(-jentik): he sat there ~ing ash onto the carpet, dia duduk-duduk saja dan menjentik abu rokok di atas permaidani; b. (with hand) mengibas(-ngibas); (tears, sweat) menyapu(-nyapu) (dgn cepat): Edith ~ed the dandruff from George’s jacket, Edith mengibas-ngibas kelemumur dr jaket George; he ~ed away the beads of sweat from his forehead, dia menyapu bintik-bintik peluh dr dahinya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gumptionn (colloq) 1. common sense, akal: when the television started smoking the young boy had the ~ to switch off the electricity, apabila televisyen itu mula berasap budak itu ada akal utk menutup suis; 2. courage, daring, initiative, keberanian: it takes a lot of ~ to move to a new country and start afresh, berhijrah ke negara lain dan memulakan penghidupan baru memerlukan keberanian.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
actvi 1. take action, bertindak: the association called on the government to ~ quickly, persatuan itu menggesa kerajaan supaya bertindak segera; 2. have an effect, bertindak: snake venom ~s on the nervous system, bisa ular bertindak atas sistem saraf; 3. perform (in film, play, etc) berlakon: Hitchcock usually ~s in his own films, Hitchcock biasanya berlakon dlm filem-filem arahannya sendiri; 4. function, berfungsi; (of brake) makan: the pump is not ~ing as it should, pam itu tdk berfungsi dgn sempurna; the fuse ~s as a switch, fius itu berfungsi sbg suis;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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