commend | ~ os to, a. be to the liking of, suka akan: his latest novel does not ~ itself to me, saya tdk suka akan novelnya yg terbaru itu; b. be acceptable to, diterima baik oleh: a suggestion that ~ed itself to him, cadangan yg diterima baik olehnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dislike | n tdk suka: his ~ of hard work is obvious, memang jelas dia tdk suka membuat kerja berat; have a ~ for /so., st/, tdk /suka akan, menyukai/ /sso, sst/; take a ~ to, mula tdk /suka akan, menyukai/: he took a ~ to city life after the incident, dia mula tdk menyukai kehidupan di kota selepas kejadian itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
book | close the ~s, menutup kira-kira; cook the ~s, (colloq) memalsukan kira-kira; /do st, play it, go/ /by, according to/ the ~, mengikut peraturan; in my ~, pd pendapat saya; be in so’s /good, bad, black/ ~s, sso suka akan [sso], sso tdk suka akan [sso]: since you’re in his good ~s, why don’t you go and see him?, oleh sebab dia suka akan kamu, mengapa tak berjumpa dgn dia?; in the ~, dlm buku panduan telefon: you can look up his telephone number in the ~, kamu boleh mencari nombor telefonnya dlm buku panduan telefon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apolitical | adj 1. averse to, uninterested in politics, tdk suka akan politik, menjauhi politik; 2. unconcerned with politics, tdk /berunsur, berkaitan dgn/ politik: an ~ decision, keputusan yg tdk berunsur politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ghoul | n 1. evil spirit that preys and feeds on corpses, hantu makan mayat; 2. person with revolting tastes or habits, (orang yg) suka akan perkara-perkara ngeri: only a ~ could find pleasure in watching the executions, hanya orang yg suka akan perkara-perkara ngeri yg akan seronok menyaksikan hukuman mati dijalankan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
best | adv (superl of WELL) 1. most, paling: I like coffee ~, saya paling suka akan kopi; the ~ loved character in the play, watak yg paling disukai dlm drama itu; the ~ known painting by Picasso, lukisan Picasso yg paling terkenal; 2. most usefully, to the most advantage, benefit, etc, sebaik-baiknya, paling baik: the past is ~ forgotten, yg sudah-sudah itu sebaik-baiknya dilupakan sahaja; 3. most excellently, paling baik: he works ~ in the morning, dia bekerja paling baik pd waktu pagi; ~-dressed, berpakaian paling menarik: the ~-dressed woman at the ball, wanita yg berpakaian paling menarik di majlis tari-menari itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
against | as ~, berbanding dgn: we have 200 students this year as ~ 150 last year, kami mempunyai 200 orang penuntut tahun ini berbanding dgn 150 tahun lalu; have nothing ~ /so., st/, bukan [sso] tdk suka akan /sso, sst/: I have nothing ~ him, bukan saya tdk suka akan dia; have /one thing, something/ ~ /so., st/, ada sst ttg /sso, sst/ yg [sso] tdk suka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inherent | adj [not translated ]; (rel to quality) ada /pd, dlm/: he has an ~ love of music, dia suka akan muzik; due to his ~ laziness..., krn sifat malas yg ada dlm dirinya...; ~ in, /terdapat, wujud/ dlm; (rel to position, office) ada pd: he refused to recognize the danger ~ in such a situation, dia tdk mahu melihat bahaya yg wujud dlm keadaan sedemikian; this concept of space is ~ in the design, konsep ruang spt ini | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
closeness | n 1. nearness, dekat, berhampiran, berdekatan: they liked the house because of its ~ to the school, mereka suka akan rumah itu krn dekat dgn sekolah; 2. compactness, rapatnya; 3. intimacy, kekariban: many people envied their ~, ramai orang yg iri hati thdp kekariban mereka; 4. strictness, rigorousness, kerapian; 5. thoroughness, ketelitian; 6. faithfulness, quality of not deviating, ketepatan; 7. oppressiveness, kesesakan (udara): the ~ of the room, kesesakan udara bilik itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
choke | ~ st down, menelan sst (dgn susah), terpaksa menelan: she hated escargots but somehow managed to ~ them down, dia sama sekali tdk suka akan siput tetapi dapat menelannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |