unfriendly | adj 1. not friendly, tdk /suka berkawan, ramah/: my neighbours are really ~, jiran-jiran saya benar-benar tdk suka berkawan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gregarious | adj 1. (of person) enjoying the company of others, suka berkawan: she is the ~ type, dia jenis yg suka berkawan; 2. (of animals) living together in herds or flocks, berkawan, berkelompok; 3. (of plants) growing close together, rumpun: the bamboo is a ~ plant, buluh ialah tumbuh-tumbuhan rumpun; 4. tending to group together, suka hidup /berkelompok, berkumpulan/: human beings are by nature ~, secara semula jadi manusia suka hidup berkelompok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |