laity | n 1. people outside the clergy involved in church work, pekerja sukarela gereja; 2. people outside a particular profession, orang biasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
involve | he ~d himself in all kinds of voluntary work, dia melibatkan diri dlm pelbagai kerja sukarela; this affair ~s his honour, hal ini melibatkan kehormatannya; he ~d two of his friends in the conspiracy, dia membabitkan dua orang kawannya dlm persubahatan itu; what does the course ~?, apakah perkara-perkara yg terlibat dlm kursus itu?; accepting the job would ~ his moving to the city, dgn menerima kerja itu, ini bermakna dia terpaksa berpindah ke bandar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fervour, (US) fervor | n keghairahan: the ~ shown by some voluntary organizations, keghairahan yg ditunjukkan oleh sesetengah pertubuhan sukarela; with ~, dgn penuh /semangat, perasaan/: he preached with great ~, dia berkhutbah dgn penuh semangat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
body | 6. group of individuals, kumpulan, kelompok; (organized) badan, perkumpulan: a ~ of troops ran into the courtyard, sekumpulan tentera lari ke dlm halaman; voluntary bodies, badan-badan sukarela; legislative ~, badan perundangan; the student ~, golongan mahasiswa; 7. distinct mass, kumpulan, kelompok: Lake Baikal is the largest ~ of fresh water in the world, Tasik Baikal merupakan kumpulan air tawar yg terbesar di dunia; a ~ of cold polar air, sekumpulan udara kutub yg dingin; 8. piece of matter, object, benda; (phys, geom, astron) jasad: foreign ~, benda asing; 9. quantity, jumlah: he was able to amass a large ~ of convincing evidence, dia dapat mengumpulkan sejumlah besar bukti yg meyakinkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breach | be in ~ of (contract) mungkir, memungkiri; /step into, fill/ the ~, a. take over duty etc, mengambil tempat: when the chef was suddenly taken ill his assistant volunteered to fill the ~, apabila ketua tukang masak tiba-tiba sakit, pembantunya dgn sukarela mengambil tempatnya; b. come forward to help in any crisis, menolong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |