ebb | n surut: ~ and flow, pasang surut; be at a low ~, (fig.) sudah merosot: his influence is at a low ~, pengaruhnya sudah merosot; be on the ~, sedang surut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | e. subside, surut; (of wind, storm) reda: the swelling is beginning to ~ down, benjol itu mulai surut; the wind went down after sunset, angin reda sesudah senja; f. be swallowed, ditelan: these pills don’t ~ down easily, pil-pil ini sukar ditelan; g. find acceptance, diterima: his explanation didn’t ~ down well, keterangannya tdk diterima dgn baik; h. be set down in writing, tercatat: the event will ~ down in history books, peristiwa itu akan tercatat dlm buku-buku sejarah; i. be defeated, fail, tewas, kalah: he went down in the third set, dia kalah dlm set ketiga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foreshore | n pantai pasang-surut, pesisir bawah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
down1 | d. (of tide, river) surut; 2. towards the ground or lower level, ke bawah, [usu no specif translation]: he looked ~ at the sea-lions frolicking in the water, dia memandang ke bawah, ke arah anjing laut yg sedang bermain di dlm air; she dared not jump ~ although the wall was only 3 feet high, dia tdk berani melompat ke bawah walaupun tembok itu hanya 3 kaki tingginya; climbing ~ hastily is very dangerous, turun dgn gopoh-gapah adalah berbahaya; he fell ~ and sprained his ankle, dia terjatuh dan kakinya terseliuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ebb | vi also ~ away, 1. (of tide), /beransur, semakin/ surut; 2. fade, a. (of daylight), /beransur, semakin/ gelap: daylight was ~ing away, hari beransur gelap; b. (of hope, interest, courage, etc) semakin pudar: hopes of finding him alive were beginning to ~, harapan utk menjumpainya dlm keadaan masih hidup semakin pudar; c. (of life) semakin kurang bermaya: he felt that life was ~ing away from him, dia berasa dirinya semakin kurang bermaya; d. (of fortune) semakin merosot. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
high | ~ and dry, a. out of the water, tersadai: the outgoing tide left the boat ~ and dry, air surut menyebabkan bot itu tersadai; b. abandoned, ignored, terlantar: his friends left him ~ and dry when all his fortune was spent, kawan-kawannya membiarkannya terlantar apabila semua hartanya telah habis; ~ and mighty, angkuh, sombong: a ~ and mighty attitude, sikap yg angkuh; ~ colour, muka sso merah; ~ noon, tengah hari /terik, buta/; at ~ speed, dgn amat laju; the Most H~, Tuhan (Yg Maha Tinggi); (in Islam) Allah (Yg Maha Tinggi); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alternating | adj 1. occurring successively, silih berganti, bersilih ganti, berselang-seli, berselang-selang, berselang-seling: ~ ebbs and flows, pasang dan surut yg silih berganti; 2. appearing, being heard in alternation, berselang-seli, berselang-selang, berselang-seling: ~ colours, warna-warna yg berselang-seli; ~ sound patterns, pola-pola bunyi yg berselang-seli. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abatement | n 1. act of abating, a. (of wind, storm, etc) reda(nya); b. (of flood) surut(nya); c. (of emotion) reda(nya), berkurang(nya); d. (of fever) kebah(nya), berkurang(nya); 2. (leg.) removal (of nuisance etc) pemberhentian, penghapusan; 3. (leg.) annulment, pembatalan, pemberhentian: the ~ of a writ, pembatalan writ; 4. amount abated, reduction, potongan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abate | vi 1. (of wind, storm, etc) reda: the storm gradually ~d, ribut semakin reda; 2. (of flood) surut; 3. (of emotion) reda, mengendur, berkurang: after everything had been clarified, his anger ~d, setelah segala-galanya dijelaskan barulah reda kemarahannya; 4. (of fever) kebah, berkurang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
influence | vt mempengaruhi; (work of art, literary work, music, etc) mempengaruhi, menampakkan pengaruh: he ~d the other students to rebel, dia mempengaruhi pelajar-pelajar lain supaya memberontak; the moon ~s the tide, bulan mempengaruhi pasang surut air; his early works were greatly ~d by Kahlil Gibran, karya awalnya banyak menampakkan pengaruh Kahlil Gibran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |