cheer | ~ up, berasa /riang, gembira, terhibur/; (imper) jangan susah hati, bergembiralah; ~ so. up, see vt (sense 2.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dumps | n; (down) in the ~s, (colloq) murung, susah hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cheer | n 1. shout of approval etc, sorakan: three ~s for the winner, tiga sorakan utk pemenang; 2. joy, gaiety, (old-fashioned) keriangan, kegembiraan: full of ~, penuh keriangan; be of good ~, jangan susah hati, bergembiralah; give ~ to, membangkitkan semangat: his speech gave ~ to the troops, ucapannya membangkitkan semangat askar-askar itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grudging | adj unwilling, dgn begitu berat (hati): a ~ admission, pengakuan yg dibuat dgn begitu berat hati; be ~ of /praise, thanks, etc/, /sukar, susah benar/ /memberi pujian, berterima kasih, dll/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grim | 3. gloomy, suram: the ~ walls of the old fort, tembok kota lama yg suram itu; 4. unpleasant, depressing, (of life) susah, perit, menderita; (of news, prospect, etc) muram: the ~ life of the peasants, hidup susah kaum tani; they listened to the ~ news with heavy hearts, mereka mendengar berita yg muram itu dgn hati yg sedih; these factories faced the ~ prospect of having to close down, kilang-kilang ini menghadapi prospek yg muram krn akan terpaksa ditutup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |