depreciation | <i>ni> 1. <i>lowering of value,i> susut nilai: <i>~ of stocks,i> susut nilai stok; 2. <i>allowance made for wear and tear,i> susut nilai: <i>provision for ~ has affected profit,i> peruntukan bagi susut nilai telah menjejaskan keuntungan; 3. <i>disparagement,i> memperkecil-kecil: <i>remarks made in ~ of o’s rival,i> kata-kata yg memperkecil-kecil pihak lawan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
depreciating | <i>adji> 1. <i>declining in value,i> susut nilai: <i>a ~ currency,i> mata wang yg susut nilai; 2. <i>disparaging,i> memperkecil-kecil: <i>the ~ manner in which he speaks of others,i> gaya cakapnya yg memperkecil-kecil orang lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dwindle | <i>vii> 1. <i>diminish,i> semakin /berkurangan, susut/; (<i>of hopesi>) semakin /pudar, tipis/: <i>the population is dwindling,i> bilangan penduduk semakin berkurangan; <i>his fortune ~d,i> kekayaannya semakin berkurangan; 2. <i>decline,i> semakin merosot: <i>the port ~d in importance,i> kepentingan pelabuhan itu semakin merosot; 3. <i>shrink,i> mengecil; (<i>as st recedes from viewi>) kelihatan semakin kecil: <i>the star ~d to a speck in the sky,i> bintang itu kelihatan semakin kecil di langit; 4. (<i>of race, species, etci>) semakin pupus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accumulated | <i>adji> 1. (<i>geni>) terkumpul: <i>the ~ grime of years,i> kotoran yg terkumpul bertahun-tahun; <i>the heat ~ in the body,i> haba yg terkumpul di dlm tubuh; 2. (<i>of wealth, fortune, etci>) terkumpul, terhimpun: <i>~ riches,i> kekayaan yg terkumpul; <i>the ~ spoils of the Hunsi>, hasil jarahan orang Hun yg terkumpul; 3. (<i>of knowledge, experiencei>) terkumpul; 4. (<i>econi>) terkumpul: <i>~ depreciationi>, susut nilai terkumpul; <i>~ dividend,i> dividen terkumpul; <i>~ fund,i> dana terkumpul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |