condition | 4. prerequisite, syarat: to abide by the ~s of the lease, mematuhi syarat-syarat pajakan itu; he is willing to lend you the car on ~ you take good care of it, dia sanggup meminjamkan keretanya dgn syarat kamu menjaganya dgn baik; 5. state of health, keadaan sihat, kesihatan: to improve o’s ~ by jogging, memperbaik kesihatan sso dgn berjoging; /in, out of/~, dlm keadaan /sihat, tdk sihat/; 6. illness, penyakit; (preceded by “liver”, “brain”, etc) sakit: she’s suffering from a rare ~, dia menghidap penyakit yg jarang dihidapi orang; a heart ~, sakit jantung; 7. social position or rank, kedudukan: a person of high ~, seorang yg berkedudukan tinggi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emissary | n utusan, pesuruh: an ~ from the rebels has come to discuss terms for a cease-fire, seorang utusan dr pihak pemberontak telah datang utk membincangkan syarat-syarat gencatan senjata. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discuss | vt membincangkan: if you have a problem let’s ~ it, jika kamu ada masalah, mari kita membincangkannya; to ~ the terms of a treaty, membincangkan syarat-syarat perjanjian; he ~es the issue in his article, dia membincangkan isu itu dlm makalahnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bind | 8. impose obligation, (act.) mengikat; (pass.) terikat: he was bound by the contract to submit his proposal within two weeks, dia terikat oleh syarat-syarat kontrak supaya mengemukakan cadangannya dlm tempoh dua minggu; an understanding that ~s the two parties, persetujuan yg mengikat kedua-dua pihak; 9. constipate, menyebabkan sembelit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frighten | ~ so. into, compel so. through fear, (into doing st) menggertak sso supaya: the kidnappers ~ed him into agreeing to their terms, penculik-penculik itu menggertaknya supaya menyetujui syarat-syarat mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
by | he won the election ~ 120 votes, dia memenangi pilihan raya itu dgn kelebihan 120 undi; 8. according to, in accordance with, mengikut, menurut: ~ the terms of Article 3..., mengikut syarat-syarat Perkara 3...; it’s 10.30 ~ my watch, mengikut jam saya, pukul 10.30; ~ what he says..., mengikut cakapnya...; he plays ~ the rules, dia bertindak mengikut peraturan; don’t judge them ~ our standards, jangan nilai mereka mengikut asas nilaian kita; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
favourable | adj 1. good, promising, baik, menggalakkan: ~ prospects for economic growth, masa depan yg baik utk pertumbuhan ekonomi; ~ signs, tanda-tanda yg menggalakkan; 2. advantageous, menguntungkan: ~ terms, syarat-syarat yg menguntungkan; 3. giving consent, positif: a ~ answer, jawapan yg positif; 4. suitable, sesuai: the climate is ~ for the growing of rubber, iklimnya sesuai utk penanaman getah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inclusive | adj 1. including, termasuk: the charge of sixty dollars is ~ of interest, bayaran sebanyak enam puluh ringgit itu termasuk faedah; 2. including much or all, merangkumi semua: our terms are ~, syarat-syarat kami merangkumi semua; 3. including the things mentioned, termasuk: questions 1 to 10 ~, termasuk soalan 1 hingga 10. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dictate | vt 1. say, read (st) aloud for so. to write down, mengimlakkan, merencanakan: to ~ a letter, mengimlakkan sepucuk surat; 2. impose authoritatively, menetapkan: to ~ the terms of the agreement, menetapkan syarat-syarat perjanjian itu; 3. determine, menentukan: designers who ~ public taste, pereka fesyen yg menentukan cita rasa orang ramai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
certain | he did make a ~ amount of profit, dia mendapat keuntungan sedikit; there’s a ~ improvement in him, terdapat kemajuan sedikit pd dirinya; he felt a ~ reluctance to talk about the past, dia berasa agak enggan bercakap ttg masa lalu; 5. particular, tertentu: to fulfil ~ conditions, utk memenuhi syarat-syarat tertentu; granted ~ powers, diberi kuasa-kuasa tertentu; only ~ people are entitled to such privileges, hanya orang-orang tertentu yg layak mendapat keistimewaan begitu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |