implement | vt carry out, melaksanakan: if these recommendations are ~ed, we should have a sound educational system, sekiranya syor-syor ini dilaksanakan, seharusnya kita mempunyai sistem pendidikan yg kukuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
depend | ~ /on, upon/, a. rely on, need, bergantung kpd: he ~ed on a scholarship for funds, dia bergantung kpd biasiswa sbg biayanya; b. be influenced, determined by, bergantung kpd: wages will ~ on qualifications, gaji akan bergantung kpd kelulusan; our decision will ~ on the recommendations of the commission, keputusan kami akan bergantung kpd syor-syor suruhanjaya itu; c. trust, be sure of, mengharapkan, mempercayai: we can ~ on him to keep his promise, kita boleh mengharapkannya utk menunaikan janjinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first | adv 1. before others, (yg) pertama: George recovered ~, Georgelah yg pertama sembuh; 2. before doing something else, (at beginning of sentence) pertama, lebih /dahulu, dulu/; (elsewhere in sentence), (lebih) /dahulu, dulu/: ~, I would like to discuss Safiah’s proposal, lebih dahulu saya ingin membincangkan syor Safiah; ~ you must renew your passport and then you must apply for a visa, pertama, encik mesti membarui pasport encik dan kemudian encik mesti memohon visa; I want to go to France next month but I’ll have to apply for a visa ~, saya ingin ke negeri Perancis bulan hadapan tetapi saya mesti memohon visa dahulu; let me finish my cigarette ~ and then we can go, biar saya habiskan rokok ini dulu dan selepas itu kita pergi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expect | vt 1. anticipate, menjangka: we had ~ed that to happen, kami telah menjangka itu akan berlaku; it is ~ed that the company will compensate her for her injury, adalah dijangka syarikat itu akan membayar ganti rugi krn kecederaannya; their objection to our proposal is only to be ~ed, bantahan mereka thdp syor kita memang sudah dijangka; as so. /~s, had ~ed/, spt yg sso jangka: she failed as we had ~ed, dia gagal spt yg kami jangka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |