interpretation | n 1. understanding, tafsiran, interpretasi: if our ~ of the clause is correct..., jika tafsiran kami ttg fasal itu betul...; 2. explanation, tafsiran, interpretasi: a judge must be skilled in the ~ of the law, seorang hakim mesti mahir dlm tafsiran undang-undang; put the wrong ~ on, salah tafsir: he put the wrong ~ on my words, dia salah tafsir kata-kata saya; 3. rendition, cara [sso] mempersembahkan [sst]; (role) cara [sso] membawa /watak, peranan/: I admire his ~ of Beethoven’s “Fifth Symphony”, saya mengagumi cara dia mempersembahkan lagu “Fifth Symphony” yg digubah oleh Beethoven. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interpretative | adj explanatory, memberikan tafsiran: an ~ newspaper article, rencana akhbar yg memberikan tafsiran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exegesis | n takwil, tafsiran kritis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
admit | ~ of, menimbulkan, terbuka kpd: the passage ~s of several interpretations, petikan itu menimbulkan beberapa tafsiran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
allow | ~ of, [various translations]: evidence that ~s of only one conclusion, bukti yg membolehkan hanya satu kesimpulan dibuat; a tone which ~ed of no reply, nada suara yg menyebabkan orang tdk berani menjawab; the matter ~s of no delay, perkara itu tdk boleh dilambatkan; the rules were so worded as to ~ of no misinterpretation, peraturan itu diungkapkan begitu rupa supaya tdk menimbulkan salah tafsiran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
broad | adj 1. wide, lebar: a ~ avenue, lebuh yg lebar; he gave her a ~ grin, dia tersenyum lebar kpd gadis itu; a ~ -shouldered man, lelaki yg berbahu lebar; 2. in breadth, lebar, lebarnya: the table is one meter ~, lebar meja itu satu meter or meja itu satu meter lebarnya; 3. of large extent, luas (terbentang), terbentang luas: they sailed the ~ seas, mereka belayar di laut yg luas terbentang; the ~ plains, dataran yg luas terbentang; 4. extensive in range, scope, luas: a man of ~ interests, lelaki yg luas minatnya; 5. liberal, luas: a ~ interpretation of the law, tafsiran undang-undang yg luas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |