Maklumat Kata

Carian kata tiada di dalam kamus terkini. Sila rujuk capaian Kamus Dalam Talian ini.
tajuk (kata nama)
1. Bersinonim dengan mahkota: patam, jamang, tiara, puspa, taj,

2. Bersinonim dengan judul: nama, topik, tema, perkara, subjek,

Kata Terbitan : bertajuk,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

conversation piecen st that provokes conversation, tajuk perbualan: the old painting has become a ~, lukisan tua itu menjadi tajuk perbualan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hastinessn 1. quickness, cepatnya: the ~ with which he changed the subject made us suspicious of him, cepatnya dia menukar tajuk perbualan itu membuat kami menaruh syak padanya; 2. rashness, precipitateness, a. (of person) tindakan yg /terburu-buru, tergesa-gesa/: his ~ in jumping to the wrong conclusion, tindakannya yg terburu-buru membuat kesimpulan yg salah; b. (of action), (dibuat secara) /terburu-buru, tergesa-gesa/: the ~ of the judgement, penilaian yg terburu-buru; c. (of words) keterlanjuran.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
conversationn perbualan: an interesting ~, perbualan yg menarik; /have a, carry on a, be in/ ~ (with), berbual (dgn): they are deep in ~, mereka asyik berbual; change the ~, menukar tajuk perbualan; enter into ~, berbual; make ~ with so., mengajak sso berbual: it is difficult to make ~ with her, susah utk mengajak dia berbual.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
changevt 1. alter, transform, mengubah, menukar; (person) mengubah: to ~ o’s mind, mengubah fikiran sso; to ~ o’s habit, mengubah tabiat sso; suddenly, he ~d the subject, tiba-tiba dia menukar tajuk perbualan; 2. substitute, exchange for another, menukar: he has gone to the library to ~ his book, dia ke perpustakaan utk menukar bukunya; to ~ the tyre, menukar tayar; 3. put fresh clothes, covers on, /menyalin, menukar/ + approp n: you have to ~ the baby, kamu terpaksa menyalin lampin bayi itu; 4. alight from and board another, bertukar: to ~ buses, bertukar bas; 5. give, receive (money) a. (in exchange for equivalent sum in smaller denomination) menukar; b. (in exchange for different currency) mengurup, menukar: to ~ his money to francs, mengurup wangnya kpd mata wang franc; 6. (gear) menukar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
driftsejak dia meninggalkan bangku sekolah, dia telah bertukar dr satu pekerjaan ke pekerjaan yg lain; 4. develop or progress aimlessly, hanyut: their conversation seems to be ~ing from one topic to another, nampaknya perbualan mereka hanyut dr satu tajuk ke tajuk yg lain; 5. (of snow, sand, etc) pile up in heaps, menimbun, berlonggok;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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