extent | n 1. range over which st extends, takat: the ~ of his scientific knowledge, takat pengetahuan saintifiknya; the ~ of the damage, takat kerosakan; 2. area, terbentang luas: a vast ~ of padi fields, sawah padi yg terbentang luas; in ~, panjangnya: the track is 7 km. in ~, balapan itu 7 km panjangnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freezing | n takat beku: two degrees below ~, dua darjah di bawah takat beku; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
depth | at a ~ of, pd /takat, paras/ (+ approp n) di dlm: tin was found at a ~ of 10 ft., bijih timah dijumpai pd takat 10 kaki di dlm tanah; in ~, a. in distance downwards, dalamnya; (of snow) tebalnya: the water is 6 feet in ~, air itu dalamnya 6 kaki; b. in extension inwards, panjang ke dalam: the drawer is 0.75m in ~, laci itu 0.75m panjang ke dalam; c. thorough, mendalam: a study in ~, satu kajian yg mendalam; d. thoroughly, dgn mendalam: to study a problem in ~, mengkaji sst masalah dgn mendalam; /out of, beyond/ o’s ~, a. in water deeper than o’s height, (di) dlm air yg terlalu dalam: she was warned not to swim out of her ~, dia diperingatkan supaya jangan berenang di dlm air yg terlalu dalam; b. beyond o’s mental abilities, tdk faham /satu apa pun, langsung/: when he starts talking about morphophonemics I’m out of my ~, apabila dia mula bercakap ttg morfofonemik, saya tdk faham satu apa pun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freezing-point | n takat beku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dew-point | n takat embun | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boiling point | n takat didih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flash-point | n 1. takat kilat; 2. (fig.) a. point at which violence etc may be expected to break out, tahap meledak: the political situation in the country has reached its ~, situasi politik di negera itu telah mencapai tahap meledak; b. place at which violence etc may be expected to break out, tempat yg berbahaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frost | n 1. atmospheric temperature of below freezing point, fros; (when temperature is specified) suhu bawah takat beku: plants killed by ~, tumbuh-tumbuhan mati akibat fros; most areas can expect heavy ~s tonight, fros yg tebal dijangka berlaku di kebanyakan kawasan malam ini; we had five degrees of ~ last night, suhu jatuh lima darjah bawah takat beku malam semalaman; 2. frozen dew or vapour, fros, ibun: the lawn was white with ~, laman itu memutih dilitupi fros. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
here | from ~ on, mulai dr sini: the story gets more interesting from ~ on, cerita ini menjadi lebih menarik mulai dr sini; be up to ~, (colloq) sudah sampai takat ini: I am up to ~ with the neighbour’s kids, saya sudah sampai takat ini dgn anak-anak orang sebelah itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irreducible | adj (fml) 1. that cannot be lessened, tdk boleh dikurangkan: their expenditure was at an ~ minimum, perbelanjaan mereka adalah pd takat minimum dan tdk boleh dikurangkan; 2. that cannot be explained in simpler words, manner, tdk dapat dijelaskan dgn cara yg mudah: an ~ formula, formula yg tdk dapat dijelaskan dgn cara yg mudah; 3. (math) tak terturunkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |