Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ta.lian] | تالين

Definisi : 1. wayar dsb yg menjalinkan atau menghubungkan alat-alat atau pesawat-pesa­wat elektrik dsb: pastikan ~ mikrofon, alat pera­kam dsb semuanya teratur; 2. aliran (laluan atau sambungan) hubungan telefon; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ta.lian] | تالين

Definisi : 1 wayar atau kabel elektrik. 2 perhubungan tele­fon: Terdapat lima ~ ke pejabat itu. ~ terus perhubungan telefon yg tidak perlu (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata talian

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

connection, connexionb. st that connects, hubungan; (ref to telephone) talian: the capital city has good railway ~s even with the small towns, ibu negeri itu mempunyai hubungan kereta api yg baik walaupun dgn bandar-bandar kecil; I telephoned Zahrah, but the ~ was so bad we could not hear most of what we said to each other, saya menelefon Zahrah, tetapi talian begitu teruk sehingga kami tdk dapat mendengar sebahagian besar perkara yg kami bualkan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hot linen talian penting.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bringthe gas is brought ashore by the pipeline from the Brent field, gas dibawa ke darat melalui talian paip dr medan gas Brent; ~ so. st, membawakan sso sst, membawa sst utk sso: please ~ me a glass of milk, tolong bawakan saya segelas susu; she always ~s us presents, dia selalu membawakan kami hadiah; I ~ you good news, saya membawa berita baik utk saudari; 2. move st so as to place it in a different position, meletakkan: he brought his arm to rest on her shoulders, dia meletakkan tangannya pd bahu wanita itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cut~ so. off, a. cause so. to be stranded, (act.) menyebabkan sso terkandas; (pass.) sso terkandas: the men working in the cave were ~ off by the incoming tide, orang-orang yg bekerja di dlm gua itu telah terkandas oleh air yg sedang naik; b. interrrupt so. speaking on the telephone, talian terputus: we were ~ off in the middle of our conversation, talian kami terputus semasa kami sedang berbual; ~ st off, a. behead so., /memenggal, memancung/ sst: the traitor had his head ~ off, pengkhianat itu telah dipenggal kepalanya; b. remove st by cutting, memotong sst; (accidentally) sst terpotong: the butcher ~ off the best part of the meat, penjual daging itu memotong bahagian yg terbaik drpd daging itu; c. see vt (sense 16.);Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
engagedadj 1. betrothed, bertunang: ~ couples,z pasangan-pasangan yg telah bertunang; 2. busy, sibuk: “Can you come on Friday night?” “No, I’m otherwise~”, “Boleh saudara datang pd malam Sabtu?” “Tidak boleh, saya sibuk”; 3. ( of telephone line ) in use, digunakan: the line is ~, talian itu sedang digunakan; 4. (of public toilet ) sedang digunakan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
disconnectvt 1. undo the connection of, a. (electricity, water supply, etc) memberhentikan (+ approp n): they’ve ~ the electricity to our area, mereka telah memberhentikan bekalan elektrik ke kawasan kami; b. (electrical apparatus) mencabut palam: ~ the television before doing repairs, cabut palam televisyen sebelum membaikinya; 2. detach, menanggalkan: he ~ed the rubber tube from the pipe, dia menanggalkan getah drpd paip itu; 3. break telephone connection, terputus: our line was ~ed, talian kami terputus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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