come | ~ forward, a. step forward, /tampil, datang/ ke depan; b. present os, tampil ke /depan, muka/: many people came forward with offers of help, banyak orang tampil ke depan utk menawarkan pertolongan; c. be brought forward for discussion, dikemukakan: the proposal will ~ forward at the next meeting, usul itu akan dikemukakan pd mesyuarat yg akan datang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appear | 6. come before the public, a. (gen) tampil: you cannot ~ in public dressed in such clothes, kamu tdk boleh tampil di khalayak ramai dgn berpakaian begitu; he was invited to ~ before the delegates at the convention, dia dipersilakan tampil di hadapan perwakilan dlm perhimpunan itu; b. (in a publication) tersiar: his article ~ed in a medical journal, artikelnya tersiar dlm sebuah jurnal perubatan; it was the first time his photograph had ever ~ed in a newspaper, itulah kali pertama gambarnya tersiar dlm akhbar; c. (of publication) terbit: a new magazine will ~ next month, sebuah majalah baru akan terbit pd bulan hadapan; d. (of recording) dikeluarkan; e. (for sale) terdapat: his latest novel first ~ed in the shops last week, novel terbarunya terdapat pd kali pertama di kedai-kedai minggu lepas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
step | ~ forward, /tampil, mara/: the police are appealing for witnesses to ~ forward, pihak polis merayu supaya saksi-saksi tampil ke hadapan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appearance | 3. coming before the public, a. (gen) tampil: it was the first public ~ of the baby prince, itulah kali pertama bayi diraja itu tampil di khalayak ramai; b. (in a publication) penyiaran, tersiar: he was upset over the ~ of his name in connection with the scandal, fikirannya terganggu apabila tersiar namanya berkaitan dengan skandal itu; c. (in the form of a publication) penerbitan: the ~ of his novel was delayed by a printers’ strike, penerbitan novelnya tergendala oleh mogok pekerja-pekerja cetak; d. (in the form of a recording) pengeluaran; e. (for sale) terdapatnya; f. (as an actor, performer, etc) kemunculan, muncul: this was to be his last ~ at the Sydney Opera House, ini sepatutnya kali terakhir dia muncul di Rumah Opera Sydney; 4. attendance, kehadiran: her ~ at any party adds glamour to it, kehadirannya di majlis mana-mana akan menyerikan lagi majlis itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forefront | n (lit. & fig.) barisan depan: in the ~ of the battle, dlm barisan depan pertempuran; come to the ~, tampil ke /hadapan, depan/: a new set of young politicians is coming to the ~, sekumpulan ahli politik yg muda tampil ke depan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
liveried | adj berpakaian seragam khas: a ~ male servant stepped forward to help her down, seorang pembantu lelaki berpakaian seragam khas tampil ke depan utk membantu dia turun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fore | adj hadapan, depan: his seat was in the ~ part of the train, tempat duduknya di bahagian hadapan kereta api itu; ~ and aft, at the bow and stern, di luan dan buritan; bring so. to the ~, menampilkan sso ke muka; /be, come/ to the ~, tampil ke muka: this problem came to the ~ during the Korean War, masalah ini tampil ke muka semasa Perang Korea. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |