earthen | adj 1. made of earth, (dibuat drpd) tanah: ~ walls, dinding-dinding tanah; 2. made of baked clay, (dibuat drpd) /tanah, tanah liat/: an ~ pot, periuk tanah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collectivize | vt mengkolektifkan: the government ~d farmlands, kerajaan mengkolektifkan tanah-tanah ladang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
acquisition | n 1. act of acquiring, pemerolehan: the ~ of knowledge, pemerolehan ilmu pengetahuan; the ~ of adjacent lands, pemerolehan tanah-tanah yg bersempadanan; the ~ of a company, pemerolehan (se)sebuah syarikat; 2. st acquired, perolehan: territorial ~, wilayah perolehan; 3. welcome addition, /anggota, orang/ baru (yg berguna): he would be a valuable ~ to the team, dia akan menjadi anggota baru yg berguna bagi pasukan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
earthy | adj 1. like earth, (spt) tanah: ~ smell, bau tanah; ~ taste, rasa spt tanah; 2. consisting of earth, tanah: ~ patches between the rocks, tompok-tompok tanah di celah-celah batu; 3. a. (of person) biasa dan berterus-terang; b. (of sense of humour) agak kasar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
land | 3. area of ground, tanah: I’m looking for some ~ on the outskirts of the city, saya sedang mencari sebidang tanah di pinggir kota; 4. ground, soil of the same type or for a particular purpose, tanah: Australia has large areas of dry ~, Australia mempunyai tanah kering yg luas; industrial ~, tanah industri; 5. also lands, property in the form of land, tanah: many families lost their ~s after the revolution, banyak keluarga kehilangan tanah selepas revolusi itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
country | n 1. a. nation, negara: the countries of Europe, negara-negara Eropah; ~ of origin, negara asal; b. motherland, tanah air, tanah tumpah darah, ibu pertiwi: to die for o’s ~, berkorban utk tanah air; c. territory occupied by a particular nation, negeri, negara: only one quarter of the ~ is under cultivation, hanya satu perempat negeri itu ditanami dgn tanaman; people came from all over the ~ to pay their last respects to the dead president, orang datang dr merata-rata negeri utk memberikam penghormatan terakhir kpd mendiang president itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground 1 | n 1. land surface, tanah, bumi: the bomb hit the ~ and exploded, bom itu jatuh ke tanah lalu meletup; he was hanging from a tree branch and his feet didn’t touch the ~, dia tergantung di dahan pokok dan kakinya tdk mencecah bumi; ~ - to - air missile, luncuran bumi ke udara; above ~, permukaan /tanah, bumi/; below (the) ~, bawah tanah; 2. soil, earth, tanah: the ~ was too hard for him to dig, tanah itu terlalu keras utk digalinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abut | vi; ~ /on, upon/, (of land, estate, country, etc) berbatasan dgn, bersempadan dgn: their land ~s on mine, tanah mereka bersempadan dgn tanah saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
landed | adj (ber)tanah: ~ gentry, ningrat tanah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Highlands | 1. (in Scotland) Tanah Tinggi Scotland; 2. highland region, kawasan tanah tinggi; (as proper n) Highlands: Cameron ~, Cameron Highlands. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |