country | n 1. a. nation, negara: the countries of Europe, negara-negara Eropah; ~ of origin, negara asal; b. motherland, tanah air, tanah tumpah darah, ibu pertiwi: to die for o’s ~, berkorban utk tanah air; c. territory occupied by a particular nation, negeri, negara: only one quarter of the ~ is under cultivation, hanya satu perempat negeri itu ditanami dgn tanaman; people came from all over the ~ to pay their last respects to the dead president, orang datang dr merata-rata negeri utk memberikam penghormatan terakhir kpd mendiang president itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
homeland | n native land, tanah /air, tumpah darah/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fatherland | n o’s native land, tanah air. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abjure | vt renounce, a. (belief, doctrine, etc) /bersumpah, berikrar/ akan meninggalkan: to ~ a heresy, bersumpah akan meninggalkan faham yg menyeleweng; b. (claim, right, etc) /bersumpah, berikrar/ akan menggugurkan [n]; <>c. (allegiance, faithfulness, etc) /bersumpah, berikrar/ tdk akan [v]: to ~ o’s allegiance to o’s country, bersumpah tdk akan taat setia kpd tanah air sso; d. (claimant) bersumpah tdk akan menyokong: to ~ a pretender, bersumpah tdk akan menyokong penuntut hak takhta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fetid | adj kohong: the ~ waters of the marsh, air tanah paya yg kohong. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corner | n 1. point, place where two sides meet, sudut, penjuru, bucu: a square has four ~s, segi empat tepat mempunyai empat sudut; in a ~ of the room, di suatu sudut bilik itu; there was a speck of dust in the ~ of her eye, ada habuk melekat di sudut matanya; 2. bend, selekoh (jalan): a sharp ~, selekoh tajam; the car disappeared around the ~, kereta itu menghilang di selekoh jalan; 3. nook, ceruk, pelosok: the money was hidden in odd ~s of the house, wang itu tersorok di ceruk sana ceruk sini rumah itu; people came from all ~s of the country, orang datang dr setiap pelosok tanah air; 4. also corner – kick, tendangan /penjuru, sudut/; 5. also corner – hit, pukulan sudut; 6. (econ) monopoli pasaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground water | n air (dlm) tanah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground 1 | n 1. land surface, tanah, bumi: the bomb hit the ~ and exploded, bom itu jatuh ke tanah lalu meletup; he was hanging from a tree branch and his feet didn’t touch the ~, dia tergantung di dahan pokok dan kakinya tdk mencecah bumi; ~ - to - air missile, luncuran bumi ke udara; above ~, permukaan /tanah, bumi/; below (the) ~, bawah tanah; 2. soil, earth, tanah: the ~ was too hard for him to dig, tanah itu terlalu keras utk digalinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
air | n 1. gaseous substance enveloping earth, udara: to breathe in the mountain ~, menyedut udara gunung; the stale ~ in the cellar, udara hapak di bilik bawah tanah; ~ pressure, tekanan udara; 2. space above the earth, udara, angkasa, awang-awang(an): birds of the ~, burung-burung udara; battles fought in the ~, pertempuran yg berlaku di udara; Bombay seen from the ~, Bombay dilihat dr udara; 3. rel to flying or aircraft, udara: ~ freight, kargo udara; ~ travel, perjalanan dgn pesawat udara, penerbangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gush | vi 1. a. flow out suddenly and copiously, memancar, memancur; (of tears) berhamburan, bercucuran; (of words) berhamburan: water ~ing out from a hole in the ground, air yg memancar keluar dr lubang di tanah; her tears ~ed forth, air matanya berhamburan; b. spout out in large amounts, memancut: blood ~ed out of the wound from his forehead, darah memancut dr luka di dahinya; 2. talk effusively, beria-ia + approp v: please don’t ~; it’s embarrassing, janganlah beria-ia sangat memuji, memalukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |