earldom | n 1. (rank), /pangkat, taraf/ earl; 2. (domain), /daerah, wilayah/ di bawah kekuasaan earl. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indicative | adj 1. suggestive, menunjukkan: their high standard of living is ~ of their wealth, taraf hidup mereka yg tinggi menunjukkan betapa kayanya mereka; there are symptoms ~ of tuberculosis, terdapat gejala-gejala yg menunjukkan bahawa pesakit itu menghidap batuk kering; 2. (gram.) indikatif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
illegitimate | adj 1. born out of wedlock, bastard, luar nikah, haram; (leg.) tak sah taraf: an ~ child, anak luar nikah; 2. not allowed or authorized by law, tak sah; 3. illogical, tdk /masuk akal, (dapat) diterima akal, munasabah/: an ~ conclusion, kesimpulan yg tdk masuk akal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gentility | n ( fml or liter.) 1. high social status, gentle birth, taraf kelas atasan; 2. politeness, kesopanan, kehalusan budi pekerti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
improvement | n 1. a. act of improving, memperbaik: there is need for ~ in the living standards, perlu memperbaik taraf hidup; b. state of being improved, kemajuan; (in health) bertambah sihat, kesihatan [sso] bertambah baik: his work shows ~, ada kemajuan dlm kerjanya; the doctor is pleased with her ~, doktor berpuas hati krn dia bertambah sihat or krn kesihatannya bertambah baik; 2. sign, result of improving, perbaikan: this is a great ~, ini perbaikan yg hebat; ~ in st, sst /bertambah, menjadi lebih/ baik: all we can do is to pray for an ~ in the weather, apa yg kita boleh buat sekarang adalah berdoa agar cuaca bertambah baik; be an ~ on, lebih baik drpd: this essay is an ~ on the previous one, karangan ini lebih baik drpd yg dahulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
illegitimacy | n 1. state of being born out of wedlock, anak /luar nikah, haram/; (leg.) anak tak sah taraf: the boy’s ~ was ept secret from him, hakikat bahawa dia anak luar nikah dirahsiakan daripadanya; 2. illegality, tdk sah: the ~ of the taker-over, pengambilan uasa yg tdk sah; 3. illogicality, ketidakmunasabahan, tdk /masuk akal, munasabahnya: given the evidence, the ~ of his conclusions was startling, dgn adanya keterangan itu, tidak munasabahnya kesimpulan beliau sangat mengejutkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
congruent | adj 1. appropriate, sesuai, sepadan: your behaviour is not ~ with your social rank, kelakuan kamu tdk sepadan dgn taraf sosial kamu; 2. (math) kongruen. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dignify | vt 1. add to the prestige of, menyerikan lagi: the presence of the mayor dignified the occasion, kehadiran datuk bandar menyerikan lagi majlis itu; 2. ennoble, menaikkan /taraf, darjat/: the school was dignified with the name of “college”, sekolah itu dinaikkan tarafnya dgn panggilan “maktab”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
generally | adv <>1. on the whole, (pd) umumnya: the prices of foodstuff are ~ cheaper here than in Kuantan, harga barang makanan pd umumnya lebih murah di sini drpd di Kuantan; the standard of education is ~ high, taraf pendidikan pd umumnya tinggi; a subject that would be of interest to women ~, perkara yg akan menarik minat wanita pd umumnya; 2. widely, popularly, umum, ramai: it is a ~ held misconception that lawyers are rogues, menjadi tanggapan umum yg salah bahawa peguam ialah penyangak; a ~ accepted theory, teori yg diterima umum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
downgrade | vt 1. reduce (employee) to lower rank, menurunkan pangkat: he was ~d to assistant supervisor, dia diturunkan pangkat ke penolong penyelia; 2. reduce (job) to lower grade, menurunkan taraf; 3. minimize importance of, mengurangkan kepentingan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |