alum | n tawas, alum. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | 8. make transparent or not turbid, menjernihkan: the villagers use alum to ~ the well water, orang-orang kampung menggunakan tawas utk menjernihkan air perigi; 9. make free from blame, membebaskan; (oneself, o’s name) membersihkan: the tribunal ~ed him of all changes, tribunal itu membebaskannya drpd segala tuduhan; he came back to ~ his name, dia kembali utk membersihkan namanya; 10. a. give (ship, aircraft) official permission to enter or leave, memberi kebenaran (utk + approp v): after two weeks of waiting, the ship was finally ~ed, setelah menunggu selama dua minggu, kapal itu diberi kebenaran utk belayar; b. satisfy all official conditions of, lepas pemeriksaan: the car ~ed customs without any difficulty, kereta itu lepas pemeriksaan kastam tanpa sebarang kesulitan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |