fringe | ~ group, kumpulan pinggiran; ~ theatre, teater pinggiran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
habitué | n pengunjung tetap: a ~ of the theatre, pengunjung tetap teater. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
derive | vt 1. obtain, acquire, mendapat, memperoleh; (character, quality, etc) mewarisi: the mills ~ power from the new dam, kilang-kilang itu mendapat tenaga drpd empangan baru itu; he ~s pleasure from music, dia mendapat keseronokan drpd muzik; he ~d his enthusiasm for the theatre from his father, dia mewarisi minat thdp seni teater drpd bapanya; 2. deduce, membuat, menarik: to ~ a conclusion from the facts presented, membuat kesimpulan drpd fakta-fakta yg dibentangkan; 3. trace source, origin, formation of, mengesan asal: the dictionary ~s the word “bloom” from old Norse “bloom”, kamus itu mengesan asal perkataan “bloom” drpd perkataan dlm bahasa Norse lama “bloom”; be ~d from, berasal drpd: the ceremony is ~d from an ancient Hindu custom, upacara itu berasal drpd adat resam Hindu purba; 4. trace descent of, menyusurgalurkan; 5. (chem & math) menerbitkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground 1 | 3. area, land for specif purpose, kawasan: aboriginal burial ~s, kawasan pengebumian orang asli; the fishing ~s off the Norwegian coast, kawasan penangkapan ikan di pantai Norway; 4. (in pl) pekarangan: the palace ~s, pekarangan istana; 5. land with particular characteristics, kawasan tanah: level ~, kawasan tanah rata; swampy ~, tanah berpaya; 6. place or situation where st happens, tempat: the theatre is good training ~ for would-be actors and actresses, teater merupakan tempat latihan yg baik utk bakal-bakal pelakon; aspect, subject under consideration, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
friend | n 1. so. whom one knows well, intimate, kawan; (rather fml) sahabat: he has always been a loyal ~ to me, dia selalu menjadi kawan setia saya; 2. acquaintance, rakan, kawan, teman; (liter. or dated) taulan, handai; (collectively) sahabat handai, handai taulan: her ~s came from all over the country to attend her wedding, rakan-rakannya datang dr seluruh negeri utk menghadiri majlis perkahwinannya; 3. patron, lover, peminat: ~s of the theatre, peminat teater; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attach | ~ to, come to, [not translated]: no blame ~es to him, dia tdk dapat dipersalahkan; ~ os to, a. join os to (so.) menempel dekat (sso); (of animal) mengekori: a gossipy woman ~ed herself to me throughout the dinnner party, seorang perempuan yg suka mengumpat menempel dekat saya sepanjang jamuan makan malam itu; a stray cat ~ed itself to me as I was walking home, seekor kucing jalang mengekori saya semasa saya berjalan pulang; b. join os to, associate os with (st) menyertai: to ~ os to a travelling theatre, menyertai kumpulan teater bergerak; c. fasten os to, melekat: the barnacles that ~ themselves to ships’ bottoms, teritip yg melekat pd bahagian bawah kapal; ~ st to, a. see (sense 1.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
company | n 1. number of persons gathered together, kumpulan: a ~ of farm workers, sekumpulan pekerja ladang; 2. companionship, menjadi teman: I had the pleasure of his ~ throughout the journey, saya gembira krn dia menjadi teman saya sepanjang perjalanan itu; she enjoys their ~, dia seronok krn mereka menjadi temannya; 3. guest, (te)tamu: we are expecting ~ for the weekend, kami menunggu-nunggu tamu pd hujung minggu ini; 4. organization for purposes of business, trade, syarikat: a holding ~, syarikat pemegangan; a publishing ~, syarikat penerbitan; 5. group of actors, dancers, etc, kumpulan: a theatrical ~, kumpulan teater; 6. small unit of troops, kompeni; 7. also ship’s ~, officers and crew of ship, kompeni; 8. unit of Girl Guides, pasukan; 9. (in title of firm) Co., co., Syarikat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |