rock-steady | adj teguh: a ~ chair, kerusi yg teguh; a ~ friendship, persahabatan yg teguh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
monolithic | adj 1. of, like a monolith, tersergam teguh: a ~ monument, tugu yg tersergam teguh; 2. constituting one massive undifferentiated whole, teguh dan sukar diatasi: a ~ communist state, negara komunis yg teguh | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adhere | ~ to, a. (idea, decision, demand, etc) tdk berganjak drpd, berpegang teguh pd: to ~ to o’s opinion, tdk berganjak drpd pendapat sso; b. (cause, doctrine, religion, etc) berpegang teguh pd, taat kpd: ~ to the teachings of Islam, berpegang teguh pd ajaran-ajaran Islam; c. (rule, instruction, plan, etc) berpegang teguh pd, mematuhi: he ~s to the party line, dia berpegang teguh pd pendirian parti; d. (agreement, promise, treaty, etc) berpegang teguh pd, menepati, mematuhi: to ~ to a treaty, berpegang teguh pd persetiaan; e. (person, organization) /setia, taat/ kpd: to ~ to a political party, setia kpd sst parti politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sturdy | 2. solid, well-constructed, durable, teguh, tegap: good ~ furniture, perabot yg baik dan teguh; a ~ car, kereta yg teguh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
strong | 16. (commerce) teguh, kukuh: the stock market was ~ after the Christmas break, pasaran saham teguh selepas cuti Krismas; sterling remains one of the ~ currencies, sterling tetap merupakan salah satu mata wang yg teguh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
substantial | adj 1. of strong material, strongly constructed, teguh buatannya: a ~ brick house, rumah drpd batu bata yg teguh buatannya; plain, ~ furniture, perabot yg biasa dan teguh buatannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
strong | 2. firm, sound, kuat, kukuh, teguh; (of chance) baik, teguh; (in health) kuat, sihat: ~ furniture, perabot yg kukuh; the country’s ~ defences helped to save the nation, pertahanan negara itu yg kukuh telah menyelamatkannya; all I can say is that our chances, are not very ~, yg boleh saya katakan ialah peluang yg ada tidaklah begitu teguh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
substance | 2. solidity, a. (of cloth etc) teguh; (of meal) khasiatnya: cloth that has no ~ in it, kain yg tdk teguh; heavy paper with plenty of ~, kertas tebal yg teguh; the meal was delicious but of little ~, makanan itu lazat tetapi sedikit khasiatnya; b. (fig.) kukuh: his ideas are superficially attractive but lack ~, idea-ideanya pd dasarnya menarik tetapi kurang kukuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vicelike | adj teguh dan erat: a ~ grip, genggaman yg teguh dan erat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
strict | 5. conscientious, faithful, teguh, kuat: a ~ Moslem, seorang Muslim yg teguh; a ~ follower of Marxist principles, seorang pengikut kuat prinsip fahaman Marx. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |