critically | adv 1. with critical observation, judgement, secara kritis: to look at so. ~, memandang sso secara kritis; a ~ edited text, teks yg diedit secara kritis; 2. seriously, dangerously, tenat: to be ~ ill, sakit tenat; ~ injured, cedera parah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amend | vt 1. improve, memperbaiki: to ~ o’s style of living, memperbaiki cara hidup sso; 2. correct, membetulkan: to ~ a text, membetulkan teks; to ~ the error, membetulkan kesalahan itu; 3. revise, alter (legislation etc) meminda: the bill was ~ed before it was passed, rang undang-undang itu telah dipinda sebelum diluluskan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
do | 2. cause to happen, buat, melakukan; (of non-living things) terjadi: what has he ~ne to you? apakah yg telah dilakukannya thdp kamu?; look what the storm had ~ne to the crops!, lihat apa yg terjadi pd tanam-tanaman akibat ribut itu!; 3. (used with “ing” form of verb) meN + base (+ approp n): he’ll ~ the cooking, dia yg akan memasak; who’ll ~ the washing up?, siapakah yg akan mencuci pinggan mangkuk?; 4. produce, make, [various translations]: to ~ a biography of the President, menulis biografi Presiden itu; to ~ a translation of the text, membuat terjemahan teks itu or menterjemahkan teks itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
innumerable | adj countless, tdk terkira banyaknya, sangat banyak: the island is inhabited by ~ birds, pulau itu didiami oleh burung yg tdk terkira banyaknya; there are ~ errors in the text, terdapat kesilapan yg tdk terkira banyaknya dlm teks itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
a, an | 3. (denoting each or any given member of a class) sese-[+ classifier]: ~ non-citizen cannot vote, seseorang yg bukan warganegara tdk boleh mengundi; ~ textbook must be relevant to the syllabus, sesebuah buku teks hendaklah berkaitan dgn sukatan pelajaran; 4. (preceding classifiers, nouns denoting units of time, weight, local currency etc, expressions of quantity and fractions) se-: ~ word, sepatah kata; ~n egg, /sebiji, sebutir/ telur; ~ letter, sepucuk surat; ~ ringgit, seringgit; ~n hour, sejam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
change | n 1. alteration, transformation, perubahan; (in timetable, schedule, etc) pindaan: the ~ in attitude, perubahan sikap; to be afraid of ~, takut akan perubahan; the editor would like to make some ~s in the text, editor hendak membuat beberapa perubahan pd teks itu; social ~, perubahan sosial; 2. substitution of one thing for another, pertukaran: to ask for a ~ of venue, meminta pertukaran tempat pertemuan; a ~ of address, pertukaran alamat; 3. money in smaller denomination, /duit, wang/ /kecil, pecah, tukar/: can you give me ~ for a ten-dollar note?, bolehkah kamu beri saya duit kecil sepuluh dolar?; 4. balance of money, (duit) baki; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frequent | adj /kerap (kali), sering (kali), selalu/ + approp v; (attrib) kerap (kali), sering (kali), selalu; (with compar & superl) kerap, sering: thunderstorms are ~ in the area, ribut petir kerap berlaku di kawasan ini; they made~ changes to the text, mereka selalu membuat perubahan pd teks itu; her letters became more ~, suratnya makin kerap diterima; the most ~ visitor was Mr Naidhu, pengunjung yg paling kerap ialah Encik Naidhu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
improvise | vi 1. make st from materials available or without preparation, menggunakan apa-apa saja yg ada; (of speaker, announcer, etc) approp v + secara spontan, mengimprovisasi: the announcer had to ~ to fill in the time, juruhebah terpaksa mengimprovisasi utk mengisi masa siaran; the speaker had to ~ as he had forgotten to bring the text of his speech, penceramah itu terpaksa berucap secara spontan krn terlupa membawa teks ucapannya; 2. compose st as one goes along, mengimprovisasi: the actor forgot his lines and had to ~, pelakon itu terlupa dialognya dan terpaksa mengimprovisasi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corrupt | adj 1. morally depraved, tdk berakhlak; 2. given to bribery, korup; (of person) korup, menerima /rasuah, sogokan/, makan suap: ~ officials, pegawai-pegawai yg menerima rasuah; a ~ administration, pentadbiran yg korup; ~ practices, amalan-amalan rasuah; 3. adulterated, tdk asli: Afrikaans is a ~ form of Dutch, bahasa Afrikaans adalah bahasa Belanda yg tdk asli; a ~ text, teks tdk asli; 4. rotten, busuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bristle | vi 1. sometimes ~ up, (of hair on animal or person’s body) meremang, menggermang: the dog ~d when the stranger appeared, bulu anjing itu meremang apabila melihat orang yg tdk dikenalinya; the hair on his neck ~d, bulu tengkuknya meremang; 2. show anger, agitation, melenting: he always ~s at criticism, dia selalu melenting apabila dikritik; 3. be thick or set, a. bercerancang, berceracak: the wall of the fort ~d with arrows, dinding kubu itu bercerancang dgn anak panah; b. (fig.) penuh: the text ~d with misprints, teks itu penuh dgn kesilapan cetak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |