flag1 | ~ /so., st / down, menahan /sso, sst/: he ~ged down the taxi but it didn’t stop, dia menahan teksi itu tetapi teksi itu tdk berhenti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cabbie, cabby | n (colloq) drebar teksi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cab | n 1. taxi, teksi, kereta sewa; 2. (hist) hackney carriage, kereta kuda sewa; 3. driver’s compartment, ruang pemandu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrange | ~ for, mengurus: to ~ for a taxi, mengurus penempahan teksi; I have ~d for you to be sent straight to my office, saya telah mengurus supaya encik dihantar terus ke pejabat saya; ~ st for, a. make plans for, /mengatur, mengurus/ sst: he has ~d additional classes for them, dia telah mengurus kelas tambahan utk mereka; b. see vt (sense 4.); c. see vt (sense 5.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | ~ up, tiba: a taxi drew up in front of his house, sebuah teksi tiba di depan rumahnya; ~ os up (to o’s full height), berdiri tegak; ~ so. up, (often pass.) sso /berbaris, beratur/: at least 15,000 soldiers were ~n up in the square, sekurang-kurangnya 15,000 askar berbaris di medan itu; ~ st up, a. see vt (sense 18.); b. pull forward, pull close to, menarik sst: they drew up two more chairs so that we could join the group discussion, mereka menarik dua buah kerusi lagi supaya kami dapat ikut serta dlm perbincangan kumpulan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
have | ~ a baby, melahirkan anak, bersalin: she had the baby in a taxi, dia melahirkan anak itu dlm teksi; ~ /got, had/ it coming, mencari pasal: you can’t complain about being punished, you’ve had it coming all day, kamu tdk boleh merungut krn dihukum, sehari-harian kamu memang mencari pasal; ~ it in for so., mencari pasal dgn sso: you’ve really got it in for me today, everything I do is wrong, kamu benar-benar cari pasal dgn saya hari ini, semua yg saya lakukan salah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hackney carriage | n 1. horse-drawn carriage, kereta kuda sewa; 2. taxi, teksi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jump | dia bergegas bangun dr katilnya; she just had time to ~ into the taxi before it sped away, dia sempat melompat masuk sebelum teksi itu melaju pergi; he ~ed to his feet and stood at attention, dia bergegas bangun lalu berdiri tegak; 4. start, terkejut, terperanjat: the sudden report made me ~, bunyi tembakan yg tiba-tiba membuat saya terkejut; 5. move quickly (from one thing to another) melompat(-lompat): I found her lecture rather difficult to follow as she kept on ~ing from one topic to another, saya dapati agak sukar utk mengikuti kuliahnya krn dia melompat-lompat drpd satu tajuk ke tajuk lain; he has this habit of ~ing from job to job, dia suka melompat drpd satu pekerjaan ke pekerjaan yg | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ along, a. arrive (of bus, train, etc) tiba: we had to wait for half an hour before a taxi came along, kami terpaksa menunggu selama setengah jam sebelum teksi tiba; b. pass, lalu: he came along as we were talking about him, dia lalu semasa kami sedang bercakap tentangnya; c. arrive together with another person, datang bersama: my sister insisted on coming along, adik saya berkeras utk datang bersama; d. (when used imperatively) hurry, cepat, lekas: ~ along, you’ll be late, cepat, kamu akan lambat nanti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | f. approach (esp by walking) mendekat, merapat, menghampiri sso: I was waiting for a taxi when a man came up and asked me for some money, semasa saya menunggu teksi, seorang lelaki menghampiri saya dan meminta wang; g. be mentioned, timbul, disebut: the issue came up several times in the course of the discussion, isu itu timbul beberapa kali semasa perbincangan; her name came up in the conversation, namanya disebut dlm perbualan itu; h. (colloq) be drawn, naik: my number came up and I won $2,000, nombor saya naik, dan saya memenangi $2,000; i. rise in rank, position, naik, meningkat: unlike you, he came up the hard way, tdk spt kamu, dia naik setelah bersusah payah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |