Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : menelah mengatakan apa-apa yg akan terjadi, menenung, menilik, meramal­kan: tidak dapat dia ~ apa yg akan terjadi pd dirinya; telahan sesuatu yg ditelah, agakan, dugaan: Tuk Guru membuat ~ berkenaan nasib Tengku Long; penelahan perihal (perbuatan dsb) menelah, penenungan, ramalan; penelah orang yg menelah, tukang ramal, penenung. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

Definisi : ; menelah menyatakan apa-apa yg akan berlaku; meramalkan: Dia tidak dpt ~ apa-apa yg akan terjadi kpd dirinya. telahan sesuatu yg ditelah; dugaan: ~nya meleset belaka. penelah orang yg menelah; tukang ramal. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
telah (kata tugas)
Bersinonim dengan sudah;
Kata Terbitan : setelah,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

strikeii. (with vehicle) melanggar sso: he did not even see the car that struck him down, dia tdk nampak pun motokar yg telah melanggarnya; b. incapacitate (by illness etc) menyerang sso: at sixty he was struck down by apoplexy, dia diserang penyakit apopleksi apabila dia berumur enam puluh tahun;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
nextbefore ~ Friday (or before Friday ~) sebelum hari Jumaat depan; ii. (ref to periods of time not seen as calendar units) yg berikut; (colloq) ini: I shall be going on leave for the ~ month, saya akan bercuti selama sebulan yg berikut; all flights are fully booked for the ~ fortnight, semua penerbangan sudah habis ditempah utk dua minggu yg berikut; he’s only here for the ~ couple of days, dia di sini cuma selama dua tiga hari ini saja; b. (from a point in the past), (yg) berikutnya: I went on leave the ~ month, saya telah bercuti pd bulan yg berikutnya; for the ~ ten minutes he didn’t dare to move, selama sepuluh minit berikutnya dia tdk berani bergerak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pourwhen the gates were opened, football fans and supporters ~ed in, apabila pintu dibuka, peminat dan penyokong bola sepak menderu masuk; ii. (of complaints, messages, etc) mencurah masuk: letters of congratulations ~ed in, surat-surat ucapan tahniah mencurah masuk; c. put a lot of money into (firm, company, etc) mencurahkan: unfortunately for him, the business failed despite the amount of money he had ~ed in, agak malang baginya, perniagaan itu gagal walaupun sejumlah wang yg banyak telah dicurahkannya ke dlm perniagaan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
entrance 1 n 1. way in (door, gate) pintu masuk; (passage, road, etc) jalan masuk: the ~ is at the side, pintu masuk di tepi; the ~ to the caves has been blocked, jalan masuk ke gua itu telah disekat; 2. a. coming in, arrival, kemasukan, masuk: the audience applauded the ~ of the soloist, para penonton bertepuk sorak semasa penyanyi solo itu masuk; b. way so. enters a room, masuk: the celebrated actress made a grand ~, pelakon terkenal itu masuk dgn hebatnya; c. (theatr) masuk (ke pentas): the heroine does not make her ~ until Act II, heroin itu masuk ke pentas hanya dlm Babak II; 3. admission, masuk; (attrib) kemasukan: they were refused ~ because they were wearing flip-flops, mereka tak dibenarkan masuk krn memakai selipar; ~ examination, peperiksaan kemasukan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
powerb. (in pl) all the faculties of o’s body i. (of body) badan: as he grows older his ~s are slowly failing, semakin dia meningkat tua badannya bertambah lemah; ii. (of mind) kuasa: a man of great intellectual ~, seorang yg mempunyai kuasa intelek yg begitu kuat; 3. strength, force, behind st, kekuatan; (fig.) kehebatan: the power of the blow knocked his opponent off his feet, kekuatan pukulannya menyebabkan lawannya jatuh; they were defeated by the ~ of her speech, mereka telah dikalahkan oleh kehebatan ucapannya; 4. ability to control others,Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stir 1 ~ st up, a. cause st to rise by stirring, i. (by wind) menyebabkan sst berterbangan: a breeze ~red up the dust and dried leaves, hembusan angin menyebabkan habuk serta daun-daun kering berterbangan; ii. (in water etc) menyebabkan sst berkocak: the passage of the herd had ~red up the mud and sand at the bottom of the river, sekumpulan lembu yg sedang lalu itu telah menyebabkan lumpur serta pasir di dasar sungai itu berkocak:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
laxadj 1. negligent, not strict, a. (of rules etc) tdk /ketat, longgar/: ~ security, kawalan tdk ketat; the regulations were ~ and supervision minimal, peraturan tdk ketat dan pengawasannya sangat sedikit; b. of a person’s, i. (performance) tdk tegas: lately, the teacher has been ~ and standards have slipped, kebelakangan ini, guru itu tdk tegas dan mutu pelajaran telah menurun; ii. (attitude towards looks) cuai menjaga: she has become ~ about her appearance, dia cuai menjaga rupanya; iii. morals, rendah; 2. (of bowels) lawas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
laxadj 1. negligent, not strict, a. (of rules etc) tdk /ketat, longgar/: ~ security, kawalan tdk ketat; the regulations were ~ and supervision minimal, peraturan tdk ketat dan pengawasannya sangat sedikit; b. of a person’s, i. (performance) tdk tegas: lately, the teacher has been ~ and standards have slipped, kebelakangan ini, guru itu tdk tegas dan mutu pelajaran telah menurun; ii. (attitude towards looks) cuai menjaga: she has become ~ about her appearance, dia cuai menjaga rupanya; iii. morals, rendah; 2. (of bowels) lawas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
place~ in the sun, (colloq) tempat utk bertapak: at last he had a ~ in the sun where his ability would be obvious to all, akhirnya dia memperoleh tempat utk bertapak yg boleh menyerlahkan kebolehannya; all over the ~, (colloq) a. everywhere, di merata-rata tempat, di sana sini: I’ve looking for him all over the ~, saya telah pergi mencarinya di merata-rata tempat; b. in an untidy manner, i. (of things), (bersepah) di sana sini, di merata-rata tempat: her books and clothes were all over the ~, buku-buku dan pakaian-pakaiannya bersepah di sana sini; ii. (of hair) kusut-masai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
wipe~ out, a. clean the inside of (st) as with cloth, membersihkan: she made sure the inside of the teapot was thoroughly ~d out before putting it away, dia memastikan supaya sebelah dalam teko itu betul-betul dibersihkan sebelum disimpan; b. destroy completely, i. (people) menghapuskan: the epidemic ~d out the whole population, wabak itu menghapuskan seluruh penduduk; ii. (buildings etc), (act.) memusnahkan; (pass.) musnah: the city was ~d out in the earthquake, bandar raya itu musnah dlm gempa bumi; iii. (firms etc), ( act.) melingkupkan; (pass.) lingkup: one of the many businesses that were ~d out during the depression, salah satu antara banyak perniagaan yg lingkup semasa kemelesetan ekonomi; c. put an end to (st), menghapuskan: every effort was made to ~ out injustice in the system, segala usaha telah dijalankan utk menghapuskan ketidakadilan dlm pentadbiran;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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