incident | n event, peristiwa, kejadian: there have been several frontier ~s this month, beberapa peristiwa di sempadan telah berlaku dlm bulan ini; her books describe the ordinary ~s of everyday life, bukunya menceritakan kejadian-kejadian biasa dlm kehidupan sehari-hari; following the ~, the police tightened security in the area, berikutan kejadian itu, pihak polis mengetatkan awalan di tempat itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | ~ back, move backwards, berundur: curious onlookers drew back to let the policeman through, orang ramai yg ingin tahu apa yg telah berlaku berundur supaya pegawai polis itu dapat lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intimation | n hint, indication, tanda-tanda: this was our first ~ that something might have gone wrong, inilah tanda-tanda pertama bahawa sst yg tdk kena mungkin telah berlaku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
errant | adj (fml or jocular) 1. deviating from the right course or correct standard, menyeleweng; 2. (of husband, wife) telah berlaku curang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disclaim | vt (fml) disown, disavow, tdk mengaku, menafikan: he ~ed responsibility for what had happened, dia tdk mengaku bertanggungjawab ke atas apa yg telah berlaku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
before | prep 1. earlier than, prior to, a. (a specif date, event, occurrence, etc) sebelum: they all left ~ six o’clock, mereka semua bertolak sebelum pukul enam; it must have taken place ~ 1941, kejadian itu pasti telah berlaku sebelum tahun 1941; a few days ~ the final battle, beberapa hari sebelum pertempuran terakhir; the calm ~ the storm, keadaan yg tenang sebelum ribut; ~ the school holidays, sebelum cuti sekolah; b. (in relative time or order) lebih dahulu (drpd), sebelum: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bad | it’s a ~ omen, itu alamat buruk; ~ weather, cuaca (yg) buruk; 3. serious, severe, a. (of occurrence) buruk, dahsyat: a ~ flood, keadaan banjir yg buruk; there have been several ~ accidents at this junction, telah berlaku beberapa kemalangan buruk di simpang ini; a ~ forest fire, kebakaran hutan yg dahsyat; b. (of illness) teruk: he has a ~ cold, dia mendapat selesema yg teruk; c. (of wound, injury) parah, teruk: a ~ cut on the forehead, luka parah di dahi; d. (of error) besar, buruk: a ~ mistake, kesilapan besar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heave | vi 1. rise and fall regularly, a. (of chest, shoulders, etc) turun naik: her bosom was still heaving with emotion, dadanya masih turun naik menahan perasaan; b. (of waves, the sea, etc) beralun-alun, berombak-ombak: the water ~d as though a submarine explosion had taken place, air itu beralun-alun seolah-olah letupan kapal selam telah berlaku; c. (of ship, boat) terlambung-lambung: the ship was heav__ing in the heavy seas, kapal itu terlambung-lambung di laut yg bergelora; 2. ret, mual, loya: his stomach ~s at the sight of blood, perutnya mual apabila melihat darah; 3. pant, terengah-engah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
greatly | adv amat, sangat, sungguh: he was ~ amused by the orang-utan’s antics, dia berasa amat geli hati dgn telatah orang hutan itu; the new product is ~ inferior to the old one, barangan yg baru itu sangat rendah mutunya berbanding dgn yg lama; it is ~ regretted that such an occurrence has taken place, adalah amat dikesali kejadian begini telah berlaku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
evidence | the gun was part of the ~ used by the defence, senapang itu merupakan sebahagian drpd keterangan yg digunakan oleh pihak pembela; 3. sign, tanda: although he was annoyed, he showed no ~ of it, walaupun dia berasa gemas, dia tdk menunjukkan tanda-tandanya; there was clear ~ of struggle, terdapat tanda-tanda yg jelas pergelutan telah berlaku; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |