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Kata Terbitan : setelah,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

lament~ over, mengesali: don’t ~ over what’s past, think of the future, janganlah mengesali perkara yg telah berlalu, fikirkanlah masa yg akan datang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
elapsevi berlalu: ten years have ~d since we first saw him, sepuluh tahun telah berlalu sejak pertama kali kami berjumpa dengannya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
come~ across, a. cross, melintas; (body of water) menyeberang: the traffic has all passed, can I ~ across now?, semua lalu lintas telah berlalu, bolehkah saya melintas sekarang?; b. be understood, difahami: did her message ~ across?, adakah apa yg hendak disampaikannya difahami?; c. find, meet by chance, terjumpa: I came across the document while looking for my birth certificate, saya terjumpa dokumen itu semasa mencari surat beranak saya; we came across the boys stealing mangosteens in the orchard, kami terjumpa budak-budak itu sedang mencuri manggis di dusun; d. arise in (so’s mind) terlintas: it didn’t ~ across my mind at all, perkara itu sama sekali tdk terlintas di kepala saya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lapse2. come to an end, become void, luput: on his death the title ~d, apabila beliau meninggal gelarannya luput; tradition can ~ for many reasons, tradisi boleh luput krn beberapa banyak sebab; 3. (of time) pass, slip, berlalu: an hour ~d before we even realized it, kami tdk sedar masa telah berlalu sejam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
advancevi 1. move forward, a. (in positon) mara: the search-party has ~d two miles upstream, pasukan penyelamat telah mara dua batu ke hulu; the flood waters ~d slowly, air bah beransur-ansur mara; b. (of night) semakin /larut, jauh/: as the night ~d, we became more worried, semakin larut malam, kami semakin bimbang; c. (of evening) semakin /kelam, gelap/; d. (of day) berlalu; 2. progress, meningkat maju: a country that has ~d tremendously since independence, negara yg telah meningkat maju dgn pesat sejak kemerdekaan; he ~d rapidly under the new management, dia meningkat maju dgn cepat di bawah pengurusan baru; 3. rise, meningkat; (of price, cost) meningkat, naik: sales ~d steadily, jualan terus meningkat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fly16. leave in great hurry, pergi segera; (in order to escape from captivity) lari: you’ll have to ~ if you want to catch that train, kamu mesti pergi segera kalau kamu hendak naik kereta api itu; when we got back we discovered that our prisoner had flown, apabila kami balik, kami dapati tahanan telah lari; 7. pass swiftly, berlalu dgn cepat: time flies!, masa berlalu dgn cepat!; 8. (of rumours etc) tersebar: her appearance in company with a different man started the rumours ~ing, kemunculannya bersama lelaki lain menyebabkan khabar angin tersebar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
daycall it a ~, (colloq), [various translations]: they loaded up the last truck and then called it a ~, mereka memuati trak yg akhir lalu berhenti bekerja utk hari itu; I think I’ll call it a ~ and go home, baiklah saya berhenti dan pulang; he has served four terms: it’s about time he calls it a ~, dia telah berkhidmat selama empat penggal: sudah tiba masanya dia mengundurkan diri; early in the ~, masih terlalu awal; end o’s ~s, menghabiskan hari-hari terakhir sso; from ~ to ~, from one ~ to the next, dr (se)hari ke (se)hari: he lives from ~ to ~ without any thought of the future, dia hidup dr hari ke hari tanpa memikirkan masa depan; have had /its, so’s/ ~, zaman kegemilangan sso sudah berlalu: he was at one time a popular singer but he has had his ~, pd suatu masa dahulu dia penyanyi yg popular tetapi zaman kegemilangannya sudah berlalu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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