foreign | adj 1. not native, asing: ~ accent, telor asing; ~ students, pelajar-pelajar asing; 2. involving another country, luar negeri, asing: ~ trade, perdagangan luar negeri; ~ income, pendapatan asing; 3. dealing with other countries, luar negeri: ~ relations, hubungan luar negeri; Ministry of F~ Affairs , Kementerian Luar Negeri; ~ policy, dasar luar (negeri); 4. not natural (to so., st) asing: this grade of coal contains a lot of ~ matter, batu arang gred ini banyak mengandungi unsur asing; such a violent reaction was very ~ to him, reaksi yg begitu ganas sangat asing bagi dia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut-glass | adj upper-class, kelas atasan: the Duchess has a typical, ~ accent, Duchess itu bercakap dgn telor kelas atasan yg tipikal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
broad | 11. (of accent etc) strongly marked, pekat: she spoke with a ~ Australian accent, dia bertutur dgn telor Australia yg pekat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
differ | vi 1. be dissimilar, berbeza, berlainan: the twins ~ markedly in appearance, kembar itu berbeza sekali dr segi rupa; the two reports ~ completely, dua laporan itu berbeza sama sekali; his accent ~s from his parents’, telornya berbeza drpd telor ibu bapanya; 2. disagree, bertentangan pendapat, tdk bersetuju: we ~ with him on this matter, kami bertentangan pendapat dengannya dlm perkara ini; agree to ~, bersetuju utk berbeza; I beg to ~, (fml) saya tdk bersetuju. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cultivate | he only ~s the friendship of those who will be of use to him, dia hanya memupuk persahabatan dgn orang-orang yg akan mendatangkan manfaat kepadanya; to ~ a sense of responsibility, memupuk rasa tanggungjawab; reading will ~ your mind, membaca dapat membina fikiran; he has ~d a French accent, dia telah memperoleh telor Perancis; 5. (often showing disapproval) try hard to develop friendship with (so.) mencuba berbaik-baik dgn [sso]; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accent | n 1. prominence given to syllable, tekanan (bunyi), aksen: in the word "remark" the ~ is on the second syllable, bagi perkataan "remark" aksennya (ialah) pd suku kata yg kedua; 2. mark indic stress or change of pronunciation, tanda /aksen, tekanan (bunyi)/; 3. characteristic pronunciation, pelat, telor, loghat: to speak English with a French ~, bercakap bahasa Inggeris dgn pelat orang Perancis; 4. (in verse, prose) tekanan; 5. emphasis, tumpuan: at the fashion show the ~ was on casual wear, tumpuan di pertunjukan fesyen itu ialah pd pakaian bersahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |