boozy | adj (colloq) 1. (of person) a. inclined to heavy drinking, kuat tunggang: ~ companions, teman-teman yg kuat tunggang; b. intoxicated, agak mabuk; 2. involving heavy drinking, mabuk-mabuk: a ~ party, majlis mabuk-mabuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
companion 1 | n 1. one who associates or is always with another, teman: travelling ~s, teman seperjalanan; a close ~, teman rapat; ~s in misfortune, teman senasib; ~s in arms, teman seperjuangan; 2. one employed to keep another (usu elderly) company, teman; 3. st that is one of a pair, gu: the ~ to this volume is missing, gu jilid ini telah hilang; 4. handbook, buku /panduan, pedoman/: the Motorists’ C~, Buku Panduan Pemandu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
compeer | n 1. peer, /teman, rakan/ setara; 2. comrade, teman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
escort | n 1. person accompanying another socially, teman: he was her ~ to the ball, dialah temannya ke majlis tari-menari itu; 2. a. person accompanying so. or st, pengiring: a police ~, polis pengiring; b.> group of persons accompanying so. or st, pasukan pengiring: an ~ of soldiers accompanied the general, jeneral itu diiringi oleh sepasukan askar pengiring; under police ~, diiringi polis; c. group of ships or aircraft accompanying st, /kapal, kapal terbang/pengiring; 3. so. paid to go out socially with another, teman sosial: an ~ agency, agensi teman sosial; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
girlfriend | n 1. man’s regular female companion, teman wanita; ( in teenage jargon) mak we, awek, cewek: he took his ~ to the movies, dia membawa teman wanitanya menonton wayang gambar; 2. any female friend, kawan /perempuan, wanita/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
date1 | vi 1. (colloq) become old-fashioned, ketinggalan zaman: that dress will never ~, pakaian itu tdk akan ketinggalan zaman; 2. (chiefly US), (colloq) keluar (dgn teman /lelaki, perempuan/): she has been dating a lot lately, akhir-akhir ini dia kerap keluar dgn teman lelakinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
company | n 1. number of persons gathered together, kumpulan: a ~ of farm workers, sekumpulan pekerja ladang; 2. companionship, menjadi teman: I had the pleasure of his ~ throughout the journey, saya gembira krn dia menjadi teman saya sepanjang perjalanan itu; she enjoys their ~, dia seronok krn mereka menjadi temannya; 3. guest, (te)tamu: we are expecting ~ for the weekend, kami menunggu-nunggu tamu pd hujung minggu ini; 4. organization for purposes of business, trade, syarikat: a holding ~, syarikat pemegangan; a publishing ~, syarikat penerbitan; 5. group of actors, dancers, etc, kumpulan: a theatrical ~, kumpulan teater; 6. small unit of troops, kompeni; 7. also ship’s ~, officers and crew of ship, kompeni; 8. unit of Girl Guides, pasukan; 9. (in title of firm) Co., co., Syarikat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bedfellow | n 1. sharer of bed, teman /tidur, seketiduran/; 2. (fig.) associate, rakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beau | n 1. lover, admirer, kekasih, teman lelaki; 2. (old use) dandy, pelaram, peraga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fellow traveller | n 1. person travelling with one , teman seperjalanan; 2. non-Communist sympathising with Communism, penyokong /faham komunis, komunisme/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |