colleague | n /rakan, teman, kawan/ sekerja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fair-weather | adj; ~ friend, /teman, kawan/ /ketawa, semasa senang/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boy | ~s will be ~s, kalau lelaki, lelaki juga; a mother’s ~ (colloq) anak jantan emak; the ~s, a. (colloq) group of men, orang lelaki; b. (colloq) a man’s male friends, /kawan-kawan, teman-teman (lelaki)/ sso: he has gone out with the ~s, dia keluar dgn kawan-kawannya; c. also our ~s, (affectionately) soldiers, askar-askar kita: Hari Raya cakes for our ~s at the front, kuih-kuih Hari Raya utk askar-askar kita di sempadan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
friend | 4. supporter (of cause, fight, party, etc) penyokong: he’s no ~ of our movement, dia bukan penyokong gerakan kita; 5. st helpful, teman: diamonds are a girl’s best ~, berlian ialah teman wanita yg paling rapat; 6. person who is not an enemy, kawan: “who goes there? F~ or foe?”, “siapa tu? Kawan atau lawan?”; 7. a. term used when addressing a group of people, saudara sekalian, saudara-saudara; (colloq) kawan-kawan, teman-teman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
friend | n 1. so. whom one knows well, intimate, kawan; (rather fml) sahabat: he has always been a loyal ~ to me, dia selalu menjadi kawan setia saya; 2. acquaintance, rakan, kawan, teman; (liter. or dated) taulan, handai; (collectively) sahabat handai, handai taulan: her ~s came from all over the country to attend her wedding, rakan-rakannya datang dr seluruh negeri utk menghadiri majlis perkahwinannya; 3. patron, lover, peminat: ~s of the theatre, peminat teater; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
associate | n 1. partner, colleague (in business etc) rakan, sekutu: a business ~, rakan perniagaan; 2. companion, kawan, rakan, teman; 3. st that accompanies another, (sst yg) datang beriring: hope is an ~ to happiness, harapan datang beriring dgn kebahagiaan; 4. subordinate member (of institute, society, etc) ahli sekutu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
girlfriend | n 1. man’s regular female companion, teman wanita; ( in teenage jargon) mak we, awek, cewek: he took his ~ to the movies, dia membawa teman wanitanya menonton wayang gambar; 2. any female friend, kawan /perempuan, wanita/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
company | and ~, dan kawan-kawannya; (derog) dan konco-konconya; be /good, bad, etc/ ~, teman yg /menyenangkan, tdk menyenangkan, dll/; in ~, a. when guests are present, di hadapan orang: I was taught not to use four-letter words in ~, saya dididik supaya tdk menggunakan kata-kata lucah di hadapan orang; b. together, bersama-sama: they went in ~, mereka pergi bersama-sama; in so’s ~, bersama-sama sso: he has been seen in her ~ a couple of times, dia telah dilihat berada bersama-sama gadis itu beberapa kali; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invariably | n 1. attack, pelanggaran, penyerangan, serangan: the ~ of Sicily by the allied forces, serangan ke atas Siciliy oleh pasukan kuasa bersekutu; 2. unwanted arrival, intrusion, kedatangan (yg mengganggu): this ~ of my place by my room-mate’s cronies annoyed me, saya berasa jengkel dgn kedatangan kawan rapat teman sebilik saya; ~ of privacy, mengganggu /hak kebersendirian, privasi/; 3. influx, a. (of people) kedatangan beramai-ramai ke, membanjiri: the ~ of idyllic beaches by holiday-makers, orang-orang bercuti yg membanjiri pantai-pantai yg indah; b. (of books, films, etc) pembanjiran, membanjiri: there was a growing public concern over the ~ of the market by Japanese cars, orang ramai makin mengambil berat ttg pembanjiran kereta Jepun di pasaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |