bread-basket | n 1. basket for bread, rolls, bakul roti; 2. (sl) stomach, tembolok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crop | n 1. agricultural produce, tanaman: ~ failure, tanaman tdk menjadi; seasonal ~, tanaman bermusim; 2. harvest, hasil (tanaman): the fruit ~ failed because of bad weather, hasil buah-buahan tdk menjadi krn cuaca buruk; 3. batch, bunch, a. (of people) kumpulan: the 1949 ~ of graduates, kumpulan siswazah tahun 1949; b. (of things, including abstract nouns), [various translations]: this month’s ~ of bills, bil-bil bulan ini; he has an awful ~ of pimples, mukanya penuh dgn jerawat; they told me a ~ of lies, mereka berbohong kpd saya; she has a fine ~ of hair, rambutnya lebat; 4. (handle of) whip, tangkai /cemeti, cambuk/; 5. short whip, cemeti, cambuk; 6. pouch in gullet of bird, tembolok; 7. short haircut, potongan pendek; give so. a close ~, /menggunting, memotong/ pendek rambut sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |