heirloom | n pusaka turun-temurun, barang pusaka: a treasured family ~, pusaka keluarga turun-temurun yg sangat dihargai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
saying | n well-known proverb, phrase etc, pepatah: old ~s that have been handed down for generations, pepatah-pepatah lama yg telah dipakai sejak turun-temurun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Adam | n Nabi Adam; ~’s /ale, wine/, air; ~’s apple, halkum; as old as ~, sudah wujud berkurun-kurun lamanya, sudah wujud /turun-temurun, sejak dahulu kala/: a superstition that is as old as ~, tahayul yg sudah wujud berkurun-kurun lamanya; not know so. from ~, tdk kenal sso sama sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hereditary | adj 1. rel to heredity, a. (gen) keturunan, kebakaan: ~ diseases, penyakit keturunan; ~ predisposition, predisposisi kebakaan; ~ transmission, penyaluran kebakaan; b. (of physical characteristics) mengikut keturunan: the colour of the skin is ~, warna kulit adalah mengikut keturunan; c. (of mental characteristics) mengikut keturunan, diwarisi; 2. (of property, title, belief, etc) turun-temurun, diwarisi: ~ estate, harta pusaka yg diwarisi; ~ rights, hak turun-temurun; ~ hatred, kebencian yg turun-temurun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heritable | adj 1. that is passed on through inheritance, boleh /diwarisi, diturunkan/: ~ estate, harta pusaka yg boleh diwarisi; 2. that is naturally transmitted from one generation to another, terwariskan, turun-temurun: ~ diseases, penyakit yg terwariskan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
family | n 1. group of parents and children, keluarga, famili: a large ~, keluarga besar; the whole ~ went abroad, seluruh keluarga pergi ke luar negeri; nuclear ~, famili asas; 2. person’s children, anak-anak; 3. group descended from common ancestor, keluarga turun-temurun: his ~ has lived here for hundreds of years, keluarga turun-temurunnya telah bermastautin di sini sejak beratus-ratus tahun lamanya; 4. (biol) famili: the cat ~, famili kucing; 5. (of languages) rumpun bahasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |