kick | n 1. a strike with the foot, tendangan, sepakan; (with sole of foot) terajang; give so. a ~, menendang sso; free ~, tendangan bebas; indirect ~, tendangan tak terus; penalty ~, tendangan penalti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
goal-kick | n tendangan gol. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
free kick | n (football) tendangan percuma. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hack 1 | n 1. cut, notch made by axe, knife, takik: the school desks were covered with little ~s, meja-meja sekolah dipenuhi dgn takik-takik kecil; 2. kick on the shin as in rugby, football, tendangan, sepakan; 3. wound from sharp kick, luka akibat /tendangan, sepakan/; 4. chopping blow, tetak: with one vicious ~, he knocked the man unconscious, dgn sekali tetak yg ganas, dia menumbangkan lelaki itu sehingga tdk sedarkan diri; 5. harsh cough, batuk yg keras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corner | n 1. point, place where two sides meet, sudut, penjuru, bucu: a square has four ~s, segi empat tepat mempunyai empat sudut; in a ~ of the room, di suatu sudut bilik itu; there was a speck of dust in the ~ of her eye, ada habuk melekat di sudut matanya; 2. bend, selekoh (jalan): a sharp ~, selekoh tajam; the car disappeared around the ~, kereta itu menghilang di selekoh jalan; 3. nook, ceruk, pelosok: the money was hidden in odd ~s of the house, wang itu tersorok di ceruk sana ceruk sini rumah itu; people came from all ~s of the country, orang datang dr setiap pelosok tanah air; 4. also corner – kick, tendangan /penjuru, sudut/; 5. also corner – hit, pukulan sudut; 6. (econ) monopoli pasaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |