centre | vt 1. place in the middle, meletakkan [sst] di tengah(-tengah): to ~ the vase on the table, meletakkan jambangan bunga di tengah-tengah meja; 2. bring to the middle, mengetengahkan, /menghantar, membawa/ [sst] ke tengah: the defender ~d the ball, pemain barisan pertahanan itu menghantar bola ke tengah (padang); 3. focus, menumpukan, memusatkan: to ~ our hopes on him, menumpukan harapan kita padanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
innermost | adj 1. a. farthest in, paling jauh ke dlm: the ~ part of the cave, bahagian gua yg paling jauh ke dlm; b. central, di tengah-tengah, (paling) tengah, tengah sekali: the ~ room of the palace, bilik istana yg di tengah-tengah; 2. most private, [various translations]: she was afraid to reveal her ~ feelings, dia takut utk menunjukkan perasaan yg terpendam dlm lubuk hatinya; writing his ~ thoughts in his diary..., menulis isi hatinya dlm buku harian...; it was his ~ belief that..., dlm hati kecilnya dia percaya bahawa...; in the ~ recesses of her heart, jauh di lubuk hatinya; ~ being, hati kecil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amidships, (US) amidship | adv 1. at centre of vessel, di bahagian tengah kapal: the torpedo hit ~, torpedo itu menghentam di bahagian tengah kapal; 2. towards middle of ship, ke tengah-tengah kapal: to run ~, berlari ke tengah-tengah kapal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
central | adj 1. pertaining to the middle point or part, tengah: the ~ parts of Australia are mostly desert, sebahagian besar bahagian tengah Australia adalah padang pasir; 2. at a point or position in the middle, di tengah-tengah: a ~ location in the district, kedudukan di tengah-tengah daerah itu; 3. leading, chief, utama: the ~ characters in the play, watak-watak utama dlm lakonan itu; the ~ aim of the new government, tujuan utama kerajaan baru itu; 4. dominant, pokok: the ~ theme, tema pokok; 5. controlling, directing, pusat: ~ curriculum committee, jawatankuasa kurikulum pusat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
centre | n 1. the middle part, bahagian tengah: the depressed ~ of the crater, bahagian tengah kawah gunung berapi yg lekuk; in the ~, a. at a point or position in the middle, di tengah-tengah; b. in the middle part or area, di bahagian tengah; 2. (math & science) pusat: ~ of a circle, pusat bulatan; ~ of oscillation, pusat ayunan; 3. principal point of some activity, pusat: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
among(st) | prep 1. surrounded by, a. (group of people) di antara: the pickpocket moved stealthily ~ the crowd, penyeluk saku itu bergerak secara diam-diam di antara orang ramai; b. (group of things) di tengah-tengah; (of person) di antara: a lone rose ~ a bed of daisies, sebatang pokok mawar di tengah-tengah batas daisy; sitting ~ the ruins, duduk di antara runtuhan; they hid themselves ~ the bushes, mereka bersembunyi di antara semak-samun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inconspicuous | adj 1. hardly able to be seen or noticed, tdk mudah dilihat: he was ~ among the crowd, dia tdk mudah dilihat di tengah-tengah orang ramai; 2. not attracting attention, tdk menarik perhatian: her clothes are always ~, pakaiannya selalu tdk menarik perhatian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coy | adj 1. shy, demure, malu-malu; (of look, remark, etc) dgn malu-malu: she tends to be ~ around men, dia kelihatan malu-malu berada di tengah-tengah orang lelaki; 2. pretending to be shy, malu-malu kucing; 3. reticent, tdk banyak bercakap: she is ~ about her success, dia tdk banyak bercakap ttg kejayaannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
argument | n 1. quarrel, dispute, pertengkaran, bertengkar, bertegang leher, berbantah; (involving younger family member, subordinate, etc) membantah, melawan: in the middle of a heated ~ he stormed out of the room, di tengah-tengah pertengkaran yg hangat itu dia mengamuk lalu keluar dr bilik; the child did as he was told without ~, anak itu membuat spt yg disuruh dgn tdk melawan; 2. debate, discussion, perdebatan, memperdebatkan: the two men spent hours on philosophical ~s, dua orang lelaki itu telah menghabiskan masa berjam-jam dlm perdebatan yg berunsur falsafah; it has been proved beyond ~ that..., telah dibuktikan dan tdk dapat diperdebatkan lagi bahawa...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heart | n 1. (organ) jantung: ~ diseases, penyakit jantung; 2. centre of thoughts and emotions, hati: the woman who captured his ~, wanita yg telah menawan hatinya; in his ~ he couldn’t believe she had betrayed him, dlm hatinya, dia tdk percaya perempuan itu telah mengkhianatinya; she has a kind ~, dia baik hati; 3. innermost part, core, a. (of cabbage, lettuce, tree, etc) hati; b. (of place, area) di tengah-tengah: the child was lost in the ~ of the forest, budak itu telah hilang di tengah-tengah hutan; c. (fig.) pokok, inti: the ~ of the problem, inti masalah itu; 4. (shape) bentuk hati: a birthday card with a ~ on it, kad hari jadi yg terdapat bentuk hati padanya; 5. (playing card) lekuk: the five of ~s, lima lekuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |